check if numbers exist in a structure field. Learn more about structures, isempty, for loop, logic
Minimum separation distance between the bodies of the robot, returned as an (m+1) -by-(m+1) matrix, wheremis the number of bodies. The final row and column correspond to the robot base. Units are in meters. If a pair is in collision, the function returns the separation distance for ...
For example, if the layer expects input data is of size h-by-w-by-c-by-N, where h, w, and c correspond to the height, width, and number of channels of the input data, respectively, and N corresponds to the number of observations, then the observation dimension is 4. For more ...
Collision status, returned as0or1. If the two geometries are in collision,collisionStatusis1. Otherwise, the value is0. Data Types:double sepdist— Minimal distance between collision geometries real number Minimal distance between the two collision geometries, returned as a real number. The line ...
BecauseAdid not match the specified attributes, MATLAB throws an error message. Validate Array Monotonicity Determine if an array is increasing or nondecreasing. A = [1 5 8 2; 9 6 9 4] validateattributes(A, {'double'},{'nondecreasing'}) validateattributes(A, {'double'},{'increasing'}) ...
EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD - eeglab/functions/adminfunc/eeg_checkset.m at fa70dc22f102cc29b061195382604da7336a07ff · sccn/eeglab
Open in MATLAB OnlineCopy Code Copy CommandThis example shows how to do goodness of fit checks. Residual diagnostic plots help verify model assumptions, and cross-validation prediction checks help assess predictive performance. The time series is monthly international airline passenger numbers from 1949...
true—N-by-3 matrix, whereNis the total number of colliding voxels. Each row is a coordinate in the form[XYZ]. false— Three-element row vector that contains the first collision voxel as a coordinate in the form[XYZ], or as an empty vector if there is no collision. ...
"""checkParams(metric, ['distance'])ifmetric =='distance': vals = self.distance(other, minDistance=thresh) vals[isnan(vals)] = infelse:raiseException("Metric not recognized") hits = sum(vals < thresh) / float(len(self.sources))returnhits ...
It is only possible to perform the strict check for the null using the == operator. In TypeScript, we can check for null and undefined simultaneously by following the juggling-check method.Example:var var1: number; var var2: number = null; function typecheck(x, name) { if (x == ...