Now that you’re convinced to try out Python, read on to find out how to get it on your computer and how to switch from MATLAB! Note: GNU Octave is a free and open-source clone of MATLAB. In this sense, GNU Octave has the same philosophical advantages that Python has around code ...
Then imagesc(A) is going to map 2 into the first color in your color map, and is going to map 5 into the last entry in your color map -- the colors for any particular value are going to depend not on the value itself but rather on how wide the range of values is in A. Now,...
is going to result in an error, since zero is not a positive integer. Matlab uses 1-based indexing convention, so there is no zeroth index in an array. I'm assuming you meant
1、Given f(x) = sin(x),write a script to find the error of f'(x_{0}) at x_{0} = \Pi / 2 using various h (求误差) 答案代码: x0 = pi / 2; format long%以长整型输出,short只有小数点后4位数 digits(7);%digits用于设定显示精度,这里就是小数点后七位 h = logspace(-7,-1,...
The first two ways of indexing work, because I am either telling MATLAB a particular element (by its position) or by applying a logical "mask" to the entire vector. But the third way does not work. What is the "-1" or "zeroth" element of a vector. It makes no sense...
corrcoef(X)isthezerothlagofthenormalizedcovariancefunction,thatis,thezerothlagofxcov(x,'coeff')packedintoasquarearray. R=corrcoef(x,y)wherexandyarecolumnvectorsisthesameascorrcoef([xy]).Ifxandyarenotcolumnvectors,corrcoefconvertsthemtocolumnvectors.Forexample,inthiscaseR=corrcoef(x,y)isequivalenttoR=...
corrcoef(X) is the zeroth lag of the normalized covariance function, that is, the zeroth lag of xcov(x,'coeff') packed into a square array. R = corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are column vectors is the same as corrcoef([x y]). If x and y are not column vectors, corrcoef conver...
corrcoef(X)isthezerothlagofthenormalizedcovariancefunction,thatis,thezerothlagofxcov(x,'coeff')packedintoasquarearray. R=corrcoef(x,y)wherexandyarecolumnvectorsisthesameascorrcoef([xy]).Ifxandyarenotcolumnvectors,corrcoefconvertsthemtocolumnvectors.Forexample,inthiscaseR=corrcoef(x,y)isequivalenttoR=...
The matrix R = corrcoef(X) is related to the covariance matrix C = cov(X) by corrcoef(X) is the zeroth lag of the normalized covariance function, that is, the zeroth lag of xcov(x,coeff) packed into a square array. R = corrcoef(x,y) where x and y are column vectors is the ...
in many points in the xyz space anyway, independently on the integration method you choose. So, how complicated your function is shouldn't matter and I can't see how M-C integration would avoid it. Or is this the problem, that you cannot calculate the function in lots of point...