%MATLABCodeforcreate %an arrayofzeros X=[00000]; disp(X) 它基本上是一个大小为 1X5 的行向量以及一个由 5 个零组成的数组。 输出: 输出截图 手动创建列向量:如果我们想创建列向量,我们可以使用以下代码: Matlab实现 %MATLAB code to create a %column vector withe zero's X = [0; 0; 0; 0; ...
Z=zeros(m,n); Here,Zis the output array of sizem-by-nfilled with zeros. The function can also take additional arguments to create arrays with more than two dimensions. For example: Z=zeros(m,n,p,...); This creates a multidimensional array with dimensionsm,n,p, and so on, filled ...
X = zeros(2,3,4); %Create a 2-by-3-by-4 array of zeros. size(X) ans = 2 3 4 A = [14;25;36]; %Create an array of zeros that is the same size as an existing array. sz=size(A); X= zeros(sz) %X = zeros(size(A)); X = 0 0 0 0 0 0 X = zeros(1,3,'uint3...
x = sqrt(16) % defining x and initializing it with an expression MATLAB执行上述语句,并返回以下结果:x = 4 MATLAB注意事项:在使用变量之前,必须进行赋值。当系统接收到一个变量之后,这个变量可以被引用。例如:x = 7 * 8; y = x * 7.89 MATLAB将执行上面的语句,并返回以下结果:...
例如:命令a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; 可以在工作区创建出变量名为a的矩阵 \left[ \begin{array}{l} 1& 2& 3\\ 4& 5& 6\\ \end{array} \right]。 (2)函数创建法 MATLAB提供了一些函数,这些函数可以用来生成某些特定的矩阵,我们这里介绍几组最常用到的函数。 第一组函数:zeros、ones和eye。这三个...
% zeros - Zeros array. % ones - Ones array. % eye - Identity matrix. % repmat - Replicate and tile array. % repelem - Replicate elements of an array. % linspace - Linearly spaced vector. % logspace - Logarithmically spaced vector. ...
在任何 MATLAB 程序中,数据的基本单位都是数组(array)。数组是按行和列组织的数据值集合,只有一个名称。访问数组中的单个数据值时,需要在数组名称后加上括号中的下标,以确定特定值的行和列。 MATLAB 甚至将标量也视为数组--它们只是只有一行和一列的数组(见图 2.1)。
Create an array of ones that is the same size as A X = ones(sz) X = 3×2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nondefault Numeric Data Type Copy Command Copy Code Create a 1-by-3 vector of ones whose elements are 16-bit unsigned integers. X = ones(1,3,'uint16'), X = 1x3 uint16 row ve...
zeros Create quaternion array with all parts set to zeroExamples collapse all Create Empty Quaternion Copy Code Copy Command Get quat = quaternion() quat = 0x0 empty quaternion array By default, the underlying class of the quaternion is a double. Get classUnderlying(quat) ans = 'double'...
zeros(n,1) Here, The functionzeros(1,n)create a row vector of zeros, whilezeros(n,1)create a column vector having all zero elements. Return Value This function takes an array’s size as input and returns an array having all zero entries. ...