hess = false; end if isempty(NONLCON) flags.constr = false; else flags.constr = true; end % Process objective function if ~isempty(FUN) % will detect empty string, empty matrix, empty cell array % constrflag in optimfcnchk set to false because we're checking the objective, not ...
zeros 函数有多种形式。如果函数只有一个标量参数,它将使用单个参数的行数和列数生成一个正方形数组。如果函数有两个标量参数,第一个参数将是行数,第二个参数将是列数。由于 size 函数返回包含数组行数和列数的两个值,因此可以与zeros 函数结合使用,生成与另一个数组大小相同的零数组。 同样,ones 函数可用...
w=zeros(1,k);%设置抽头加权初值 e=zeros(1,N);%误差信号%用LMS算法迭代滤波fori=(k+1):NXN=Mix_Signal_2((i-k+1):(i));yn_1(i)=w*XN';e(i)=Signal_Original_2(i)-yn_1(i);w=w+2*u*e(i)*XN;endsubplot(4,1,3);plot(Mix_Signal_2);%Mix_Signal_1 原始信号axis([k+1,10...
if(value>=lowerLimit) & (values<=upperLimit)&~ismember(value,valueArray) ...end 而应该用如下的方式代替: isValid = (value=lowerLimit) & (values<=upperLimit); isNew =~ismember(value,valueArray)if( isValid &isNew) ...end 3.4.2 在if else 结构的时候,发生较频繁的事件应该放在if ...
A=1*6 cell array, A{2}=eye(3) means to generate a 3x3 identity matrix in the 1st row and 2nd column of matrix A. A{5}=magic(5) means to generate a 5x5 magic square matrix, where the sum of the numbers in any row, column, or diagonal is the same. ...
The basic syntax is as follows: Z=zeros(m,n); Here,Zis the output array of sizem-by-nfilled with zeros. The function can also take additional arguments to create arrays with more than two dimensions. For example: Z=zeros(m,n,p,...); ...
% OPTS.mean: provide a mean that is subtracted from each snapshot [ array of size X | 'blockwise' | {temporal mean of X; 0 if XFUN} ] % OPTS.nsave: number of most energtic modes to be saved [ integer | {all} ] % OPTS.isreal: complex-valuedity of X or represented by XFUN...
mu = zeros(n, 1); sigma2 = zeros(n, 1); mu = mean(X); sigma2 = var(X, 1); % mu = mu'; % sigma2 = sigma2'; end第2步:计算概率p(x):1 2 3 % Returns the density of the multivariate normal at each data point (row) % of X p = multivariateGaussian(X, mu, sigma2...
% string, a cell array of comma-separated strings, or a vector of % numbers. (Default behavior is to read all signals.) % E.g.: % data = edfread(mydata.edf,'targetSignals','Thoracic'); % data = edfread(mydata.edf,'targetSignals',{'Thoracic1','Abdominal'}); ...
alpha=zeros(nt,1);%intersection factor %it is computed from radius of the tetraedroms circumscribed sphere % and the distance between their center for i=1:nt if tetr2t(i,2)>0 %jump boundary tetraedrom distcc=sum((cc(tetr2t(i,1),:)-cc(tetr2t(i,2),:)).^2,2);%distance from ci...