marker_msgs (humble) - 0.0.8-1 The packages in the marker_msgs repository were released into the humble distro by running /usr/bin/bloom-release --rosdistro humble marker_msgs --override-release-repository-url on Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:...
marker_msgsto0.0.8-1: upstream repository: Thanks for sending a pull request to ROS distro! This is an automated tool that helps check your pull request for correctness. This tool checks a number of attributes associated with your ROS package an...
2. nav_msgs/Path 这个功能是利用rviz中的Path类型实现的,只需要发布nav_msgs/Path类型的消息,然后在rviz上订阅该消息就可以显示轨迹路径。而nav_msgs/Path类型的数据很简单,就是一个位姿的集合。navigation功能包集中显示规划路径用的就是这个东西。 这个有点像Marker中的序列和点集一样,需要维护一个数组。在rviz...
rviz 作为接收侧,在接收visualization_msgs::Marker topic时,由于rviz内部Marker没有删除机制,所以内存增长导致Out of memory,具体log如下: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::InternalErrorException' what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Index Buffer: Out of memory in GLHardware...
obj.MarkerMsg.Scale.Y = 0.03; %obj.MarkerMsg.Scale.Z = 1; tmppoints = [rosmessage('geometry_msgs/Point') rosmessage('geometry_msgs/Point')]; tmppoints(1).X = 1.3; tmppoints(1).Y = 0; tmppoints(1).Z = 1.9; tmppoints(2).X = 1.3; ...
marker.pose=pose; markerPub.publish(marker); cout<<"k="<<k<<endl; r.sleep(); } return 0; } 如上例子,动态的在geometry_msgs::Pose pose 处(x = (float)(k++)/10)显示当前的k值. 2.在同时在不同地方显示不同文字 #include <ros/ros.h> ...
vue 一行代码实现nav切换 2019-11-28 15:26 −实现思路:动态添加class,active类名, 1,点击元素,将元素下标key值赋值给自定义空对象n, 2,当数据内点击元素的下标等于n时,替换class类名为active 代码如下: <li v-for=... 混名汪小星 0 1548 nav-...
1.在特定地方显示一行文字 include <ros/ros.h> include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h> include<iostream> using namespace std;int main( int argc, char** argv ){ ros::init(argc, argv, "showline"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::...
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "marker_msgs" with any of the following names: marker_msgsConfig.cmake marker_msgs-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "marker_msgs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "marker_msgs_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above fi...
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS: dashing I'm trying to display a marker (visualization_msgs::msg::Marker) in rviz2. But rviz2 displays the marker at the wrong position. For example, if I set the point's position as (1, 1, 0), it shows at (-1, -1, 0...