Mapbox 矢量切片 (MVT) 规范 Mapbox矢量切片规范(Mapbox Vector Tile specification)描述了如何将地理数据编码为矢量切片。 最常见的用途是从 OpenStreetMap 中的将几何、要素转换为矢量切片,以便在浏览器中使用渲染器(如Maplibre)进行展示。 该规范提供了一种格式,可以把数据转换为单个矢量切片:矢量地图由一组相邻的...
原始仓库地址: 翻译原文地址: 本文档中的“必须”、“必须不”、“必备”、"应该"、“不应该”、“建议”、“可以”、“可选”的含义参照RFC 2119。 1. 目标# 本文档规定了一种节省...{tileset_id}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.{format} Required parametersTypeDescription tileset_idstringUnique identifier for the vector tileset in the To composite multiple vector tilesets, use a comma-separated list of up to 15 tileset IDs. ...
目前针对VectorTileSource我们扩展了以下方法: // tiles 更新setTiles(tiles:Array<string>,clear=true){// 取消 TileJSON 的请求,注意 2.x 后提供了 `cancelTileJSONRequest` 方法if(this._tileJSONRequest){this._tileJSONRequest.cancel();}this._options.tiles=tiles;this.load();
Cesium加载原汁原味的Mapbox Vector Tile(MVT)数据一直是一个老大难问题,当前主流的使用MVT的方法基本上是在原生Cesium中引入MVTImageryProvider组件。本质上,这种方法的思路是使用Mapbox的mvt-basic-render技术,将Cesium的ImgeryProvider类中请求栅格地图瓦片地址的方法替换为本地渲染MVT瓦片,这种方法很好地利用了Cesium自身...
To get the underlying vector tile data that makes up this image, you can request it specifically: As the name suggests, vector tiles contain vector data instead of the rendered ...
Vector tiles are an open standard under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License. We support vector tiles across our products and there is alarge list of vector tile implementation by other vendors. 矢量切片是一个开放标准。我们支持矢量切片,并且有一个由其他供应商实现的矢量切片的大列表。
A vector tile is a lightweight data format for storing geospatial vector data, such as points, lines, and polygons.
>>>importmapbox_vector_tile# Using WKT>>>mapbox_vector_tile.encode([ {"name":"water","features": [ {"geometry":"POLYGON ((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))","properties":{"uid":123,"foo":"bar","cat":"flew"} } ] }, {"name":"air","features": [ {"geometry":"LINESTRI...
To get the underlying vector tile data that makes up this image, you can request it specifically: 要获取构成此图像的底层矢量平铺数据,可以特别请求它:<your access token> ...