一个要素包含几何图形和属性。 更多信息和详细规范可以在Mapbox Vector Tile specification中找到。 https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/tree/5330dfc6ba2d5f8c8278c2c4f56fff2c7dee1dbd/2.1 例如:一个包含“建筑”图层的切片,其中有多个表示建筑物的面要素和以米为单位的高度。 几何图形(Geometry)可以...
Implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification are far and wide. Many of them fall into one of the following categories: Parsers & generators: libraries that read and/or encode vector tiles, some also have command line utilities Clients: web-based tools that render vector tiles that co...
2.1 January 19, 2016 Correction to the wording in a few locations of the 2.0 specification. 2.0 December 4, 2015 The focus of version 2.0 of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification is the clarification of the intent of the intial version of the specification and the definition of interior and...
Remember the Mapbox Vector Tile specification requires all IDs to be encoded as positive integers between 0 and 2^53 - 1. In general ID value in either features.id or tiles.id will be converted to an Integer or Float if possible and will otherwise return a string or Null value. If ...
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According to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification, no two vector layers in a vector tileset may have the same ID. If you try to composite sources with the same ID, a modal will be displayed in the style editor to walk you through resolving the name conflicts. Source limit There is a ...
According to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification, no two vector layers in a vector tileset may have the same ID. If you try to composite sources with the same ID, a modal will be displayed in the style editor to walk you through resolving the name conflicts. Source limit There is a ...
深入学习,我们对Example外的API Reference和Style Specification的部分去认真的阅读,有必要的同时做以笔记。深入学习的时候,我建议根据文档提供的结构,必要时需要去查阅源代码做以辅助,整理框架的思维导图。在整理导图的时候,如果对于webgis比较熟悉的话,可以根据自己的理解与判断,对于部分不经常用的做以删减。下图是我...
While there are several vector tiles formats out there the team at Mapbox is leading the way with their Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) specification. Vector tiles have several important advantages over image tiles: Styling capabilities: since styling happens on the client side and not on the server ...
Recipe specification | Mapbox Tiling Service Theextentis a precision control for vector tiles, and by default is4096. 说明extent刚好是4096,并且在vector tile里面,我查找VectorTile.cs并没有,继续找VectorTile里面的VectorTileLayer正好有一个Extent,ulong。就是它了!