vector、raster和raster-dem是在API和style里面没有对应上的,主要是一些栅格或者矢量的切片或者服务调用。 // raster——xyz切片 map.addSource('XYZLabel', { "type": "raster", "tiles": ['{x}&y={y}&z={z}'], "tileSize": 256 }); /...
Example request: Retrieve vector tiles $curl"" # Return a style-optimized tile using the style query parameter $curl"
This example demonstrates how to add an external vector tileset to a map using theMapbox Maps SDK for iOS. The code below renders aLineLayerby creating aVectorSourceclass with a custom URL to access the data and style properties that define color, opacity, width, and line cap. The source...
Display the vector tiles directly with MapBox GL JSI have prepared a sample viewer with local copy of MapBox GL JS and custom tiles hosted as static files in here: styling must be done in a JSON format manually - and is not...
This example renders vector tiles using a third partyvector tilesource. In this case,Mapillaryprovides the vector tiles, which are added to the map usingaddSource. <!DOCTYPEhtml> <html> <head> <metacharset="utf-8"> <title>Add a third party vector tile source</title> ...
Vector tiles need to be as small as possible to keep location apps performant and make sure no browsers are killed along the way from processing more data than they can handle. For example the demos you are seeing on this blog are based on a dataset of 400MB of geometries in NYC. It ...
Vector tiles contained inserialtiles-specare gzip-encoded, so a complete example of parsing them with the native zlib module would be: import{VectorTile}from'@mapbox/vector-tile';importProtobuffrom'pbf';import{gunzipSync}from'zlib';constbuffer=gunzipSync(data);consttile=newVectorTile(newProtobuf...
vector:矢量切片数据源 "sources":{ "vector-source": { "type": "vector", // 类型(必填) "url": "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6" // TileJSON 的请求地址(可选) "tiles": [ // 用于指定一个或多个切片数据源的请求地址(可选,和 TileJSON 中的 tiles 属性一致) "
Often, multiple objects from OpenStreetMap will be combined into a single object in our vector tiles. For example, water polygons are unioned to avoid seams and road lines are joined to save space and simplify better. In these cases the osm_id will either be 0, or one of the input ID...
Example:{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf 平铺URL模板的数组。如果指定了多个终结点,则客户端可以使用终结点的任意组合。 示例:{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf minZoomLevelnumbernonefalse An unsigned integer that specifies the minimum zoom level at which to ...