M2巨噬细胞通过阻断Ets1增加脂肪细胞线粒体含量并促进米色脂肪生成 研究还发现,M2巨噬细胞能够通过阻断Ets1来增加脂肪细胞中线粒体的数量,并促进米色脂肪生成。具体来说,M2巨噬细胞的条件培养基(CDM)能够提高控制组脂肪细胞中的线粒体复合体含量,增强热生成标记基因的表达,并提高氧气消耗率。而Ets1的过表达则...
This chapter reviews M2 macrophage functions in three organ systems that complement each other and have synergistic functions: the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems. These organ systems evolved when the complexity of the body plan made it necessary to develop fluid compartments around the...
M2巨噬细胞在肺纤维化中的研究进展 皮定南 桂林医学院 摘要: 肺纤维化是一种由于细胞外基质过度沉积从而导致肺结构破坏和瘢痕形成的间质性肺疾病。M2型巨噬细胞是一种先天免疫细胞,可以通过分泌多种促纤维化介质调节组织损伤修复,在肺纤维化发病中起着重要作用。本文梳理了M2型巨噬细胞对肺纤维化发病影响等方面...
使用CAR macrophages的主要优点是它易于迁移和浸润到肿瘤中,而且促炎症的M1表型和抗炎的M2表型之间具有可塑性。总之,我们期待CAR macrophages的更多进展,也许它在解决CAR T和CAR NK治疗未被满足的临床需求方面是一个非常好的选择。 参考文献 1.CAR race to cancer immunotherapy: from CAR T, CAR NK to CAR macrop...
Macrophages exist in various tissues, several body cavities, and around mucosal surfaces and are a vital part of the innate immune system for host defense against many pathogens and cancers. Macrophages possess binary M1/M2 macrophage polarization settin
which could be attributed to M2-like macrophage activation; thirdly, S100A9 may function as a downstream player of necroptosis signaling; fourthly, fibrosis suppressed necroptosis- and S100A9-dependent necroinflammation; and finally, M2-like macrophages inhibited NLRP3 inflammasome activation and resultant...
作者没有提供schematic graph,5分的文章都这么任性了吗?这类的文章一般都是看标题就知道做什么的,我们也只做一般解读,不进行详细学习了。总觉得这类文章虽然都是套路,但是做的多多少少都有一些缺陷。只为看看作者有什么新方法,并不是拿来涨芝士的。看题就知道作了骨肉瘤的外泌体诱导单核巨噬细胞相M2型转变的。
Studies with the adoptive transfer of M2 macrophages showed that this strategy could effectively aggravate pathologies of allergic airway inflammation in mice [3,4], indicating that M2 macrophages polarization plays an important role in the onset of AA. Therefore, the development of novel strategies ...
Possible involvement of the M2 anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype in growth of human gliomas Within tumours, many non-neoplastic cells such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and macrophages assist tumour growth by producing various growth factors ......
M1 and M2 are classifications historically used to define macrophages activated in vitro as pro-inflammatory (when classically activated with IFNγ and lipopolysaccharide) or anti-inflammatory (when alternatively activated with IL-4 or IL-10), respectively. However, in vivo macrophages are highly speci...