CD44是一种吞噬受体,能够触发巨噬细胞摄入大颗粒或凋亡细胞。MHC-II 能够促进巨噬细胞吞噬和抗原递呈。结果显示这些新生成的CD11b+CD45+细胞高表达CD44和MHC-II(图3B),暗示其具有较强的吞噬功能。CD68是一种单核细胞衍生的巨噬...
其三,(C) Ly6CLo - neg Ly6G - SSCLo 细胞(单核细胞 / 巨噬细胞)且 MHCII + /- 和 CD115 - (以红色柱状图呈现); 其四,(D) Ly6C + Ly6G - SSCLo 细胞(单核细胞 / 巨噬细胞)且 MHC Class II - 和 CD115 + /- (以蓝色柱状图呈现)。 文章中的另一亮点亦颇为赞赏,即无需借助 F4/80 便可...
7. 小鼠肠道组织 肠道组织里,很多老师都会研究DC细胞,但是DC细胞的标志物CD11C,MHCII在肠道巨噬细胞中也会有表达,老师们在检测和数据分析圈门时要注意哦。 8. 小鼠皮肤组织 除了CD11B,F4/80marker外,可添加EPCAM,CD64,CD24等标...
4F-I). Moreover, the percentage of MHC II + macrophages increased (Fig. 4J-K), whereas the percentage of CD163 + macrophages decreased after IRG1 knockout (Fig. 4L-M), which suggested that IRG1 deficiency can skew macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Fig. 4 IRG1...
1b). Splenic macrophages from the HFHCD group displayed a mild M1-like pro-inflammatory phenotype defined by higher level of MHC-II but lower level of pro-IL-1β, as compared to macrophages from the 60% HFD group (Fig. 1d). HFHCD and 60% HFD consumption led to comparable elevated ...
Using multimarker flow cytometry and RNA expression array analyses on macrophage subpopulations from wound granulation tissue, we identified a Ly6cloMHCIIhi“noninflammatory” subset that increased both in absolute number and proportion during normal wound healing and was missing in Ob/Ob and MYD88-/...
These CD45intCD11bint MPCs were further identified as F4/80+MHCII+CX3CR1+Ly6C- cells, comprising ~17% of total CD45+ cells in normal mouse kidney (P < 0.01) and virtually absent from all other organs examined except the heart. Systemic clodronate treatment had more significant depletive...
In light of our transfer results (Figure 3A), these data suggest that the monocyte graft gives rise to Ly6Chi effector monocytes and migratory Ly6Clo cells sequentially that upregulate MHCII expression and hence seem to acquire APC potential. To directly address this point, we next tested the ...
(Fig.2A). In some infections, inflammatory monocytes gain CD11c expression and are known as TipDCs16,17. However, during chronic infection withL. donovani, iMOs did not upregulate CD11c, but expressed intermediate levels of MHCII and F4/80 on their membrane (Fig.2A), which is suggestive ...
FACS analysis suggested that decreased Ly6c lo MHCII hi AMs might make the major contribution to attenuated fibrogenesis in RBP‐J cKO mice, probably by reduced inflammatory factor release and enhanced matrix metalloproteinases expression. Using clodronate‐mediated macrophage depletion in RBP‐J ckO ...