mytable = setmetatable({key = 1},{__index = {key2 = 2}}) print(mytable.key) --1 print(mytable.key2) --2 1. 2. 3. 如果__index指向一个函数的话,Lua就会调用那个函数,table和key会作为参数传递给函数。 local function mymetatable(table,key) return "访问了table中不存在的key:"..key...
void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int index); 1. Does the equivalent to t[k] = v, where t is the value at the given index, v is the value at the top of the stack, and k is the value just below the top. This funct...
/*判读栈顶往下第五个是不是table*/21{22/*结果将key对应的值置为nil*/23lua_settable(stack, -5);/*pakage,loaded(table),key,value, 将栈顶两个元素作为key和value设置给table,弹出栈顶两个元素*/24}25}26lua_pop(stack,1);/*pakage,loaded(table),key 弹出value,留下key作为下一个next*/27}2...
lua_settable(lua_State* L, int index) 就是把表在lua堆栈中的值弹出来,index 是table 在堆栈中的位置,假如 table 在 -3, 则key 应该是 -2,value 是 -1 相当于 table[key] = value.
lua 循环生成对象并存入表中 取出对象怎么都变成循环的最后一个Item={}function Item:new(id,name)o={}setmetatable(o,self)self.__index = oendItemTable={}temp={"a","b","c","d"}for k,v in pairs(te
Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged lua set unique contains lua-table or ask your own question. The...
A set of useful extensions to Lua Dependencies: Torch7 ( Install: $ torch-rocks install xlua Use $ torch -lxlua xLua > a = 5 xLua > b = 'test' xLua > xlua.who() Global Libs: {[1] = string, [2] = package, [3] = os, [4] = io, [5] = xlua, [6] =...
in main table, datattype of column 5 is table... Now i want ot set columnindex for all subtable which is comes under column 5. Is it possible to do by simtalk?? I already used for loop but i found that its not working properly: for var i:= 1 to mainTable.Ydim mainTable["co...
lua_pushinteger(L, key); push_utf8_string(L, str, numchars);lua_settable(L,-3); } 开发者ID:CyberShadow,项目名称:FAR,代码行数:6,代码来源:ustring.c 示例2: PushVariant ▲点赞 6▼ boolPushVariant(lua_State *pLuaState, Variant &variant,boolsubstituteNullables){switch((VariantType) vari...
voidlua_settable(lua_State*L,intindex); Does the equivalent tot[k] = v, wheretis the value at the given index,vis the value at the top of the stack, andkis the value just below the top. This function pops both the key and the value from the stack. As in Lua, this function may...