手边这款IMU传感器,型号是LSM6DSR。¡¿¡¿下面制作一个电路板,来通过 I2C总线读取它的数据。¡¿¡¿并将数据传递到上位机进行处理。¡¿¡¿下面制作这块电路板,相应的电路设计和软件都放置在CSDN对应的博文中。 电路设计 设计电路板,主控芯片为STM32F103。¡¿¡¿增加...
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)LSM6DSRTR参数(,封装:VFLGA-14),LSM6DSRTR中文资料和引脚图及功能表说明书PDF下载(168页,2532KB),您可以在LSM6DSRTR规格书Datasheet数据手册中,查到LSM6DSRTR引脚图及功能的应用电路图引脚电压和使用方法,LSM6DSRTR典型电路教
LSM6DSR Datasheet: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/lsm6dsr.pdf
When both the accelerometer and gyroscope are on, the accelerometer is synchronized with the gyroscope, and the data rates of the two sensors are integer multiples of each other. Referring to the datasheet, the output data rate (ODR_XL) bits of CTRL1_XL register and the ...
6-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit): always-on 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope Download datasheet Order Direct Product overview Description The LSM6DSR is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope with an extended full-scale range for ...
int32_t accelerometer[3]; int32_t gyroscope[3]; AccGyr->Get_X_Axes(accelerometer); AccGyr->Get_G_Axes(gyroscope); Documentation You can find the source files at https://github.com/stm32duino/LSM6DSR The LSM6DSR datasheet is available at ...
Datasheet - production data Features Extended full-scale range for gyroscope up to 4000 dps High stability over temperature and time Smart FIFO up to 9 kbytes Android compliant Auxiliary SPI for OIS data output for gyroscope and ...
立创商城提供 ST(意法半导体) 的 姿态传感器/陀螺仪 LSM6DSRTR 的PDF数据手册和参考资料,查看 LSM6DSRTR 数据手册和购买 LSM6DSRTR 上立创商城。
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Temperature, 6 Axis Sensor I2C, SPI Output Datasheet Datasheet EDA/CAD Models LSM6DSRTR Models Product Attributes Type Description Select All Category Sensors, Transducers Motion Sensors IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units) Manufacturer STMicroelectronics Series iNEMO Packaging Tape...
STMicroelectronics LSM6DSRXTRのデータシートとメーカー資料をダウンロードする。 Newark Datasheet171ページ4年前 コンプライアンス 環境分類 China RoHSCompliant REACH SVHCYes RoHSCompliant会社概要 Octopartについて 採用情報 よくある質問 製品情報 部品検索 BOM Tool Nexar API コミュニティ The ...