using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;public class Example { [MenuItem("Examples/Add BoxCollider to Prefab Asset")] static void AddBoxColliderToPrefab() { // Get the Prefab Asset root GameObject and its asset path. GameObject assetRoot = Selection.activeObject as GameObject; string assetPath =...
Loads a Prefab Asset at a given path into a given preview Scene and returns the root GameObject of the Prefab.
Load后面是(“”),引号里面是Resources文件夹下加载的文件的路径。官方文档里写的例子是:rend.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load("glass") as Texture;
11回复贴,共1页 <<返回unity3d吧Unity打包安卓,读取prefab,不能用resources.load吗 只看楼主 收藏 回复L城E Animator 9 L城E Animator 9 我打包之后运行,提示了空物体 L城E Animator 9 求帮助啊,第一次打包安卓程序,不太懂啊 飞舞流萤 Unitor 1 你的dirc是什么鬼东西 具体路径指向哪里。
The XRMOD engine allows creators to load custom assets via CSharp scripts or visual scripts. But, how should we do that? danger You must installUnity EngineandDev-environment. At the first, we need to create a XRMOD project(How to create). ...
prefab, position, rotation); SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(gameConfig.startScene);Initialize smart reference when your game start If you use Unity Addressables, call this when your game start SmartReference.Runtime.SmartReference.InitWithAddressablesLoader(); If you use your own custom loader, call...
class, struct, GameObject, Prefab实例、Component、ScriptableObject、Array、Dictionary、List、HashSet、Queue,甚至Unity对象的引用,以及更多。 对于业余爱好者... 无论是否有代码,它都很容易使用,并且有很好的文档。 对于专家... 一个快速、功能丰富、极其灵活的保存系统 ...
开发者ID:ParkitectNexus,项目名称:CustomScenery,代码行数:15,代码来源:FenceDecorator.cs 示例2: LoadFromBundle ▲点赞 5▼ privateUnityEngine.ObjectLoadFromBundle(AssetBundle bundle,stringname){#ifUNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6returnbundle.Load(name);#elsereturnbundle.LoadAsset(name);#endi... Version: 2023.2 语言: 中文 脚本API UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity OtherPrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContentsIntoPreviewScene public static void LoadPrefabContentsIntoPreviewScene (string prefabPath, SceneManagement.Scene scene); 参数 scene 将内容加载到其中的场景。 prefabPath 要加载其内容的预...
class, struct, GameObject, Prefab实例、Component、ScriptableObject、Array、Dictionary、List、HashSet、Queue,甚至Unity对象的引用,以及更多。 对于业余爱好者... 无论是否有代码,它都很容易使用,并且有很好的文档。 对于专家... 一个快速、功能丰富、极其灵活的保存系统 ...