public static class PrefabTools { [MenuItem("KTools/Prefab生成", false, 100)] public static void GenerateCode() { // YanLingFaShi假定是每个模型的资源根目录 // 根据选择的目录文件,其中包含了FBX文件,程序生成的controller文件,自动生成prefab,绑定animator string targetPath = @"Assets\Resources\Prefabs"...
使用PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab先创建一个空的prefab 使用PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab将场景中选中的Prefab实例制作成一个Prefab并覆盖到之前的空prefab上 使用PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance断开引用 使用AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset删除Project中新建的prefab 至此就完成了断开引用的功能。这里在函数加上[menuitem]标签...
使用PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab先创建一个空的prefab 使用PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab将场景中选中的Prefab实例制作成一个Prefab并覆盖到之前的空prefab上 使用PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance断开引用 使用AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset删除Project中新建的prefab 至此就完成了断开引用的功能。这里在函数加上[menuitem]标签...
var prefabForder = codeGenerateInfo.PrefabFolder; serialiedScript.FindProperty("PrefabFolder").stringValue = prefabForder; serialiedScript.FindProperty("GeneratePrefab").boolValue = generatePrefab; var fullPrefabFolder = prefabForder.Replace("Assets", Application.dataPath); serialiedScript.ApplyModified...
Drag and drop into your scene and instantly you have a third person view with multiple animations and full access to the source code, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 A Third-Person Prefab Animations An entire book could be dedicated (and has) to the Mecanim anim...
public class GetPrefabReferenceBaker : Baker<GetPrefabReferenceAuthoring> { public override void Bake(GetPrefabReferenceAuthoring authoring) { // Create an EntityPrefabReference from a GameObject. This will allow the // serialization process to serialize the prefab in its own entity scene ...
Unity's workflow is based on prefabs. In Unity you build a set of GameObjects with components, then create a prefab from them. You can then place instances of the prefab in your world, or instantiate them at runtime. Unity的工作流程是基于prefabs的,我们创建一系列具有组件的GameObjects,然后通...
Unity's workflow is based on prefabs. In Unity you build a set of GameObjects with components, then create a prefab from them. You can then place instances of the prefab in your world, or instantiate them at runtime. Unity的工作流程是基于prefabs的,我们创建一系列具有组件的GameObjects,然后通...
预制件 (Prefab)*: 一种资源类型,可用于存储游戏对象以及配套的组件和属性。预制件充当模板,在此模板的基础之上可以创建场景中的新对象实例。更多信息 Unity 单位 (Unity unit)*: Unity 项目中使用的单位大小。默认情况下,1 个 Unity 单位为 1 米。要使用其他缩放比例,请在导入资源时在 Import Settings 中设置...
Animation in 2D uses Mecanim by default. The simplest way to create an animation is to drag and drop images into your scene and let Unity create the animations for you. To start, I drag some single sprites into Unity and in turn Unity creates several things for me. First, it creates a...