Livox SDK2 communication protocol opens to all users. It is the communication protocol between user programs and livox products. The protocol consists of control commands and data format, please refer to the documents below: HAP(TX/T1):
Hi all, I encountered the issue after executing sudo make install in the process of installing Livox-SDK2 in Ubuntu 24.04. Here is the following errors I've been getting: [ 1%] Building CXX object sdk_core/CMakeFiles/livox_lidar_sdk_stat...
The following portions of the LIVOX’s Livox SDK2 (“Software” referred to in the terms below) are made available to you under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of the MIT license is provided below and is also available at Livox-SDK2 ...
注意设置好主机和雷达的IP地址,主机IP地址记得Ifconfig检查一下,设置正确则Livox-SDK2里面跑的livox_lidar_quick_start会比较正常;不管有没有雷达rviz_MID360_launch.py都能正常启动rviz,如果收得到雷达信息那界面是上面那样的。 #机器人#激光雷达 发布于 2023-11-08 21:22・IP 属地广东 ...
@Livox-Infra @Livox-SDK 目前我连接了四台HAP,同时扫描和存储数据。我想区分四个雷达的数据,然后将对应雷达的数据存储到目标文件夹。目前我是通过在接收packer时,通过句柄来判断当前packet是来自不同的雷达并分别进行存储。但现在的问题是我无法通过此方法将接收到的来自四个不同雷达的数据准确对应到是我的雷达1、...
我们在LivoxViewer2上设置好了Livox HAP,在LivoxViewer2上显示都正常的。 将sdk的demo跑起来之后,点云数据输出的包,在回调里面解析出来frame_cnt一直是0;udp_cnt每一包+1,从0加到65535循环。 应该怎么判断点云的一帧数据结束。 谢谢!
Dear Team. I am trying to use MID360 and camera synchronously. For that i am generating a 10Hz signal from external signal generator (arduino), and connecting to PPS pin of MID aviation wire. Camera is getting synced but not MID360. (i a...
The crash occurs every time I use livox_lidar_quick_start (it is little more stable when I use SDK). Here is stack for crashed livox_lidar_quick_start: livox::lidar::GeneralCommandHandler::Init general_command_handler.cpp:86 livox::lidar::DeviceManager::Init device_manager.cpp:126 Livox...
Collaborator Livox-louie commented Sep 29, 2024 @MaxiStocker It seems that you are using HAP LiDAR, which does not support spherical mode. For return code mapping, please refer to:
Open colindjopened this issueAug 19, 2022· 3 comments Open opened this issueAug 19, 2022· 3 comments colindjcommentedAug 19, 2022• edited georgflickreferenced this issue in enwaytech/Livox-SDK2Aug 28, 2023 Merge pull request#2from enwaytech/gf/cmake ...