Livox SDK2 is a software development kit designed for all Livox lidars such as HAP and Mid-360. It is developed based on C/C++ following Livox SDK2 Communication Protocol, and provides easy-to-use C style APIs. With the Livox SDK2, users can quickly connect to the Livox Lidars and rece...
Livox SDK2 communication protocol opens to all users. It is the communication protocol between user programs and livox products. The protocol consists of control commands and data format, please refer to the documents below: HAP(TX/T1):
Livox SDK 提供开发所需的各类工具,帮助开发者专注于激光雷达应用开发,快速实现算法,提高效率,挖掘 Livox 激光雷达的更多潜能。 软件及算法开发工具包 雷达开发套件和基于 Livox 激光雷达开发的开源感知算法、定位与建图算法等,助力基于 Livox 雷达进行开发和研究。
4. LivoxViewer2和(SDK2+driver2)的关系 前者是livox激光雷达自己读取数据,数据的参数是电脑配置的,不需要走ros的链路.但是(SDK2+driver2)这个组合再前者的基础上,还需要配置 MID360_config.json(文件见下面链接),需要更改下面代码中的5个ip,前4个是上位机(笔记本IP),最后一个是mid360的ip. 4.1 运行黄色部分...
在Livox SDK 目录中,执行以下指令编译工程: git clone cd Livox-SDK cd build && cmake .. make sudo make install 4.1.2 Windows 7/10 依赖 Livox SDK 支持 Visual Studio 2015 Update3/2017/2019,需要安装CMake 3.0.0+依赖。
用户可以通过Livox Viewer 2或Livox SDK 2打开或关闭信息推送。Mid-360每秒推送200次信息。 用户友好的Livox Viewer 2: Livox Viewer 2是专为Livox LiDAR雷达设计的软件。它可以显示和记录实时点云数据,回放点云视频,并分析3D点云数据。用户可以使用Livox Viewer 2设置产品参数和校准外参。界面简单易用。 开源Livox...
2 Livox SDK Communication Protocol Livox SDK communication protocol opens to all users. It is the communication protocol between user programs and Livox products. The protocol consists of control commands and data format. Please refer to theLivox SDK Communication Protocolfor detailed information. ... 1.安装PCL && Eigen && openCV (1)安装PCL 参考网址: (2)安装Eigen 官方网址: git clone ...
编译后,Livox SDK 提供了一个录制 livox 点云数据到本地,会生成一个 XXX.lvx 文件。 $ cdLivox-SDK/build/sample/lidar_lvx_file $./lidar_lvx_sample 2. ROS 安装lovix-ros-driver前,必须安装ROS。 参考:ROS 安装指南 3. livox-ros-driver
2.Livox SDK&Ros Driver及开源算法,可点击如下链接查询及下载:; 3.Livox激光雷达相关介绍资料可点击如下链接下载: 一、安装SDK sudo apt install cmake 1. git clone ...