$ git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK2.git $cd./Livox-SDK2/ $ mkdir build $cdbuild $ cmake ..&&make -j $ sudo make install Note : The generated shared library and static library are installed to the directory of "/usr/local/lib". The header files are installed to ...
Livox SDK2 for HAP/Mid-360 Livox_ROS2_Driver Livox_Apollo_Driver Livox_ROS_Driver Livox_Autoware_Driver Show More Open-source Algorithms Examples of industry-leading perception, positioning and mapping algorithms. Github LIO-Livox : a Robust LiDAR-inertial Odometer demo Github LIvox_Free_Space Gi...
Hi all, I encountered the issue after executing sudo make install in the process of installing Livox-SDK2 in Ubuntu 24.04. Here is the following errors I've been getting: [ 1%] Building CXX object sdk_core/CMakeFiles/livox_lidar_sdk_stat...
三、 LivoxViewer2和(SDK2+driver2)的关系 前者是livox激光雷达自己读取数据,数据的参数是电脑配置的,不需要走ros的链路.但是(SDK2+driver2)这个组合再前者的基础上,还需要配置 MID360_config.json(文件见下面链接),需要更改下面代码中的5个ip,前4个是上位机(笔记本IP),最后一个是mid360的ip. 3.1 运行黄色部...
2.2 Livox SDK2 2.2.1 Livox SDK2配置 # Install cmake sudo apt install cmake -y # Go to Home cd ~ # Download Livox SDK2 git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK2.git # Go to the SDK2 package cd Livox-SDK2 # Create build folder mkdir build cd build # Compile cmake ....
Compile Livox SDK 4.1.2 Windows 7/10 Dependencies Compile Livox SDK 4.2 Run Livox SDK Sample 4.2.1 Ubuntu 18.04/16.04 /14.04 LTS 4.2.2 Windows 7/10 4.3 Connect to the specific LiDAR units 4.3.1 Program Options 4.3.2 Edit Broadcast Code List ...
Das Livox SDK stellt grundlegende Werkzeuge bereit und gibt Anwendern umfangreiche Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung einzigartiger Anwendungen und Algorithmen. Erfahren Sie hier mehr über die Entwicklungsplattform, unterstützte Produkte und weitere Ress
代码:github.com/Livox-SDK/LIO-Livox 摘要 Livox LiDAR实现了一个强大的LiDAR-惯性里程计系统。该系统仅使用一个内置IMU的Livox LiDAR。它有一个鲁棒的初始化模块(独立于传感器的运动):它可以在静态状态、动态状态或者静态和动态的混合状态进行初始化。该框架非常鲁棒,在只使用一台Livox Horizon的条件下,它可以通过...
一、安装SDK sudo apt install cmake 1. git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/Livox-SDK.git 1. cd Livox-SDK 1. cd build && cmake .. 1. make 1. sudo make install 1. 将雷达上电后,通过网线连接NX板卡和Livox Hub(给Livox供电并且上面有网口的银色的盒子) ...