The demand to image large biological samples at high resolution requires improvement in current light-sheet microscopy tools. Here, the authors present an improved, benchtop mesoSPIM with a significantly increased field-of-view, improved resolution and improved throughput. Nikita Vladimirov , Fabian F....
Light-sheet microscopy uses a thin plane of light to illuminate a sample orthogonally to the detection objective such that the axial resolution of the microscope is determined wholly or partly by the thickness of the light sheet. It allows fast volumetric imaging with reduced sample irradiation comp...
Near-infrared II light-sheet microscopy in normal and oblique configurations enabled in vivo imaging of live mice through intact tissue, revealing abnormal blood flow and T-cell motion in tumor microcirculation and mapping out programmed-death ligand 1 and programmed cell death protein 1 in tumors ...
Recent Progress in Light Sheet Microscopy for Biological Applications Krishnendu Chatterjee, Feby Wijaya...
Push the boundaries of research with reliable, precise and versatile light sheet microscopy solutions from Leica Microsystems to study developing embryos, spheroids, organoids or other delicate samples. Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moo...
一套成像系统,既能提供大型样品的光学切片,又几乎无光毒性或光漂白性,同时还有非常高的时间分辨率。 蔡司Lightsheet Z.1 恰恰能实现这一切。出众的多视角激光片层扫描显微成像系统(Light Sheet Microscopy)能够记录大型活体样品的发育过程,对样品低损伤地成像,提供更多的信息。
光片扫描显微成像技术是继Confocal和双光子技术之后,生物医学领域最流行的成像技术。可以对完整器官进行快速的3D扫描成像。 2.光片扫描显微成像技术的优势 传统的Confocal等扫描方式,是对聚焦点进行扫描,从点扫描到线扫描再到面扫描,速度非常慢;...
(Light-sheet microscopy, SPIM) 唯一一款平面光束激发荧光显微镜 -保证了快速高分辨率的成像 唯一一款超大工作距离荧光显微镜 -实现最大尺寸样品的成像 唯一一款选择性照明荧光显微镜 -大大降低了光漂白和光损伤 工作原理 LaVision BioTec的Ultramicroscope显微镜使用一层光束从样品侧面激发荧光样品,通过CCD来检测成像,而入...
We demonstrate the utility of this technology for various applications: wide-area surface microscopy to triage surgical specimens (with ~200 μm surface irregularities), rapid intraoperative assessment of tumour-margin surfaces (12.5 sec/cm2), and volumetric assessment of optically cleared core–needle...
光片荧光显微镜(Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy)使用薄片光源仅激发焦面范围内的荧光物质,具备更直接的光学层析能力。相比落射照明技术,具有更低的光毒性和超快体成像采样速度。 本产品中SmartView光片扫描系统孵化于国家杰青费鹏教授团队,其独立研发的创新型超薄无衍射光片照明技术(原理如下图),突破传统高斯光片生...