Consensuslower-triangularnonlinear multi-agent systemsunknown measurement sensitivitiesIn this paper, the leader鈥揻ollower consensus problem is investigated for a class of lower-triangular nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown measurement sensitivities. By developing a dual-domination gain method, a ...
Leader–follower consensusMulti-agent systemsActuator faultsThe leader鈥揻ollower consensus tracking is one of the important problems in multi-agent systems (MASs) which can be influenced by actuator faults. The main issue of the paper is fault occurrence, and the challenge is to design an ...
Leader-follower consensus is addressed in this paper for multi-agent systems with Lipschitz-type node dynamics and jointly connected dynamical topology. The main contribution of this works is to solve the leader-follower consensus problem with the general assumption that the network topology is specific...
[5]. Raft Website.The Raft Consensus Algorithm [6]. Raft Demo.
This paper is concerned with finite-time L₂ leader-follower consensus of networked Euler-Lagrange systems in the presence of external disturbances. A distributed finite-time L₂ control protocol is proposed by using backstepping design such that a group of follower agents modeled by Euler-Lagrang...
In this paper, distributed adaptive consensus for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems under directed topology condition is investigated. Both leader–follower and leaderless cases are considered in a unified framework. To design distributed controller for each subsystem, a local compensatory vari...
This study investigates the fixed-time consensus tracking problem for second-order multi-agent systems. A new fixed-time stability condition and a new non-singular-terminal sliding surface are introduced. Using Gudermannian function, the fixed-time stability of sliding mode dynamics is proved and it...
[2]. Leslie Lamport.The Part-Time Parliament. 1998 [3]. Leslie Lamport.Paxos Made Simple. 2001 [4]. Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout.Raft Paper. 2013 [5]. Raft Website.The Raft Consensus Algorithm [6]. Raft Demo.Raft Animate Demo...
This paper studies the dynamic event-triggered leader-follower consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems(MASs)under directed weighted graph containing a directed spanning tree,and also considers the effects of disturbances and leader of non-zero control inputs in the system.Firstly,a novel distributed...
The objective of the consensus problem is agreement of agents on an a priori unknown common value in a leaderless scenario (Boem et al., 2017, Ding, 2013, Olfati-Saber and Murray, 2004, Rezaee and Abdollahi, 2015), whereas in the leader-following scenario (sometimes it is called leader...