原来的 Leader 节点恢复后作为 Follower 加入集群重新从当前任期的新 Leader 处同步数据,强制保持和 Leader 数据一致。 3. 数据到达 Leader 节点,成功复制到 Follower 所有节点,但还未向 Leader 响应接收 这个阶段 Leader 挂掉,虽然数据在 Follower 节点处于未提交状态(Uncommitted)但保持一致,重新选出 Leader 后可完...
原来的 Leader 节点恢复后作为 Follower 加入集群重新从当前任期的新 Leader 处同步数据,强制保持和 Leader 数据一致。 3. 数据到达 Leader 节点,成功复制到 Follower 所有节点,但还未向 Leader 响应接收 这个阶段 Leader 挂掉,虽然数据在 Follower 节点处于未提交状态(Uncommitted)但保持一致,重新选出 Leader 后可完...
在Raft算法中,Leader需要持续的向Follower发送心跳消息表明自己的存在。 Follower收到心跳后,就可以重置自己的选举计时,起码在这个选举周期内,集群中有个Leader了,不用开启选举。 Leader收到心跳回执后,需要标记下Follower的状态,这个状态在集群可用性处理和后续的日志复制中有大用。 六、日志复制 上面的概念介绍中我们...
Raft中的初始状态是所有节点都是 Follower。当某个 Follower 在一段时间内没有收到Leader 的心跳信号时(超时),它会认为当前没有Leader,于是就会变成 Candidate。Candidate 会向其他节点发送选举请求 RequestVote,请求它们投票给自己。如果Candidate获得了大多数节点的投票,包括自己的一票,它就会成为新的Leader。 Candidate...
In this system, all group members estimate the position of flocking center by using a consensus algorithm via local communication in order to keep the flocking group connected. Based on the estimated position of flocking center, a leader–follower flocking algorithm is proposed, and its stability ...
Follower开始发起选举流程: 修改自身当前任期值(+1操作),同时自身状态从Follower转变为Candidate; 给自己投一票,然后,并行给同集群内的所有其它节点发送投票请求; 停留在步骤2(这点原文写的不清楚,需要翻看hashicorp/raft源码才能理解,参考代码块),除非满足下面三个条件之一: ...
To avoid continuous monitoring measurement error and combined measurement variable, the self-triggered algorithm was introduced to address the consensus problem. In our recent research [31], the leader-follower consensus problem for linear MASs was implemented. A significant advantage is that the leader...
The other one, referred to as the follower group, is guided by the leader group. The objective is to guarantee distributed tracking of generalized coordinate derivatives for the followers and to drive the generalized coordinates of the followers close to the convex hull formed by those of the ...
In this paper, a novel fixed-time controller (FTC) strategy based on leader–follower mechanism and finite-time disturbance observer (FDO) is proposed for surface vehicles (SVs) formation suffering from complex unknowns. The excellent features of designed strategy are shown below: (1) A fixed-...
分布式系统或组件一般都包含Leader选举的过程,比如ZooKeeper的Leader节点选举,RedisSentinel的领头节点选举,Redis Cluster中主节点的选举等。 术语 节点状态:所有节点具有3种状态:Leader, Follower, Candidate。 自定义术语 Leader选举根据是否按照节点状态/数据选举,分成等价选举和择优选举 ...