ScheduledThreadPool采用了Leader-Follower模式,等待第一个线程的任务也称为leader,其调用available.awaitNanos待当前队列头部任务到达调度时间时唤醒。其余线程作为follower只需调用await方法无限阻塞等待,直至被leader唤醒,并重新完成抢锁->尝试执行队列首元素->抢leader->等待的循环。 public RunnableScheduledFuture<?> take...
ScheduledThreadPool采用了Leader-Follower模式,等待第一个线程的任务也称为leader,其调用available.awaitNanos待当前队列头部任务到达调度时间时唤醒。其余线程作为follower只需调用await方法无限阻塞等待,直至被leader唤醒,并重新完成抢锁->尝试执行队列首元素->抢leader->等待的循环。 public RunnableScheduledFuture<?> take...
tcpdaemon是一个TCP通讯服务端平台/库,它封装了众多常见服务端进程/线程管理和TCP连接管理模型(Forking、Leader-Follow、IO-Multiplex、WindowsThreads Leader-Follow),使用者只需加入TCP通讯数据收发和应用逻辑代码就能快速构建出完整的TCP应用服务器。 服务模型模型说明 ...
follow-my-leader n (Games, other than specified) a game in which the players must repeat the actions of the leader. US, Canadian, and Irish name: follow-the-leader Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
Follower#followLeader 稍微总结一下: 1: 首先是根据投票信息获取leader 节点的对象 2: 和leader 节点建立连接,如果阅读过Leader 节点的创建,应该了解到,在创建leaderServer对象的时候,会创建一个同步数据的socket ss, 然后阻塞在accept 方法上,这里follower 就是和这个socket 对象进行连接, 见connectToLeader ...
follow-the-leader 跟随领导 参加者须模仿领导人动作,模仿的;[英][ˈfɔləu ðə ˈli:də][美][ˈfɑlo ði ˈlidɚ]
The invention provides a mobile robot formation control method based on leader-follow. The method is formed by a global positioning system, a wireless communication system, an algorithm processing system, and a speed control system. The global positioning system obtains the pose information of each ...
follow-the-leader noun [uncountable] a children's game in which people copy the actions and words of a person who has been chosen as leader Want to learn more? Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with theOxford Collocations Dictionaryapp. Try it for ...
North American English follow-the-leader /ˌfɒləʊ ðə ˈliːdə(r)/ /ˌfɑːləʊ ðə ˈliːdər/) [uncountable] a children's game in which one player is the 'leader' and the others must do exactly what the leader does, such as jumping, ho...
Follow the leader.───跟着领袖走。 I don't need to follow the leader.───我不需要听从某人的指挥。 Then follow the leader," he cried gaily.───那就跟着领头的走。”他快活地叫道。 Emma : They follow the leader. If you can get a couple of the popular kids to sign up the rest...