老丛红茶,产自世界红茶发源地武夷山桐木关的正山老丛红茶,滋味甘醇,丛味明显,是一款很适合资深茶人的高奢品鉴茶。 接受批量定制,批量定制老丛红茶礼品茶包装,请添加微信【aichaxu】了解更多老丛红茶定制事宜。价格¥789.88 ¥1,060.00立即购买 加入购物车 加入...
老丛laocong135公寓(海峰路分店) 威海环翠区海峰路玫瑰花园-5号楼华夏山海城玫瑰花园显示地图 遇见有趣的人,体验不一样的家。查看更多 选择房间 查看所有16张照片 4.7分很好 显示所有5条点评 ✨[进入房间第一眼]很干净,虽然简单但是很干净,新装修的🙋[对于房东,我想说]房东很贴心,因为我们入住的前一天没有...
Guangdong Year: 1990 Description 1990 Lao Cong (老欉, Lǎo Cóng, "Old Bush") - Though the term Lǎo Cóng 老欉 (“Old Bush”) often designates tea from old plants - similar to the term Gǔ Shù 古樹 ("Ancient Tree") used for Yunnan Pu'er tea trees - in this case Lǎo Cóng...
30g 50g 100g SKU: R-OW105-10 Weight: 10.00 Grams Region: Fujian Description Lao Cong Shui Xian (老欉水仙, Lǎo Cóng Shuǐ Xiān, "Old Bush Water Immortal") - Shuǐ Xiān is one of the ancestral oolong breeds. Lore has it that it was the progenitor of all 10 of the original Ph...
Fenghuang LaoCong ShuiXian(tea tree around 400-650 years,老枞水仙) Phoenix Dancong Old Shuixian, grows in Phoenix Mountain, Chaozhou, China. Shuixian is the ancestor of Phoenix Dancong family. Long tree ages help the tea tree to have rich minerals which bring strong aftertaste to Old Shui...
Harvested from mature tea plants with roots deeply embedded in the terroir of the Wuyi Mountains in China, this roasted black wulong offers rich woody and fruity aromas enhanced by its generous presen...
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