耻垢lacZ assay protocol试剂: Z-buffer:60mMNa2HPO4,40 mMNaH2PO4,10 mMKCl,1 mMMgSO4,50mMβ-巯基乙醇,pH=7.0,定容,过滤除菌(切勿高压灭菌)4℃保存 0.1MKH2PO4,pH=7.0100mL:13.5gKH2PO4溶于100mL去离子水,过滤除菌,室温保存 4 mg/mL ONPG:100mgONPG干粉溶于25mL0.1MKH2PO4,pH=7.0中,过滤除菌,-...
方法二:β-半乳糖苷酶滤膜影印显色法(β-galactosidase colony-lift filter assay)。此方法常用于LacZ基因胞内表达的检测,例如AH109酵母双杂,NMY51膜系统酵母双杂(图B)。 方法三:β-半乳糖苷酶活性检测法(ONPG法)。此方法常用于LacZ基因胞内表达的定量检测(图C)。 酵母LacZ报告基因的检测发布...
A derivative of umbelliferyl-beta-galactoside was coupled covalently to the drug and this conjugate was found to be nonfluorescent under assay conditions. The drug/dye conjugate was a substrate for bacterial ... More 21 total citations 其他推荐产品 荧光素二-β-D-葡糖苷酸 (FDGlcU) Catalog ...
工作原理:BLOCK-iT™ RNAi 靶标筛选系统方法使用 β-半乳糖苷酶活性试验测量 RNAi 试剂(Stealth RNAi™ siRNA、siRNA、dicer 库或含 shRNA 的质粒)的敲低能力。要确定对您的靶标极有效的敲低试剂,只需将您的靶基因克隆到 pSCREEN-iT ™/lacZ-DEST Gateway™ 载体中即可。将所得构建体与正在检测的敲...
Female and/or male gametophytes were transformed using particle bom-bardment and the histological LacZ assay was performed on sporophytes generated by either parthenogenesis or in-breeding. Female gametophyte-targeted transformation resulted in similar lower efficiencies in both parthenogenetic and zygotic ...
We show that measuring ligand induced T cell activation by the non-radioactive lacZ assay is simpler, faster, and most cost-effective relative to conventional IL-2 assays. Most importantly, the unique ability to detect activation of single T cells by the lacZ assays permits detection of rare ...
Results After 8 and 12 hours treatment of GEM,the results of MTT assay showed that different dosage of GEM had no effect on the growth of 9LacZ glioma cells compared with control group(P > 0.05);After 24 hours treatment of GEM,When compared with control group,the viability of 9LacZ ...
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fusionassayinVibrioparahaemolyticus.Methods:The entirepromoterregionsofthetargetgeneswereamplifiedbyPCR,andthenclonedintothevectorofpHRP309. TherecombinantplasmidofVPA1513wastransformedintothewildtypestrain(WT) andopaRmutantstrain (AopaR) ofEparahaemolyticustodeterminetheB—galactosidaseactivityincellularextracts,throu...
Optical imaging fiber-based single live cell arrays: a high-density cell assay platform. Authors:Biran I, Walt DR Journal:Anal Chem PubMed ID:12141663 'A high-density, ordered array containing thousands of microwells is fabricated on an optical imaging fiber. Each individually addressable microwell...