The radical yields were controlled by concentration of ABTS substrate and enzyme amount. These ABTSsup-+/sup radicals were used for antioxidant activity assay of 31 Thai vegetables. The dried sample powders extracted by ethyl alcohol showed as high TEAC values as in iSpondias pinnata/i, iEugenia...
Laccase activity assays Kinetic studies were carried out in triplicate in a reaction mixture containing 5 mM ABTS in citrate–phosphate buffer at the pH and temperature indicated in each assay. The oxidation of ABTS was followed by measuring the absorbance at 420 nm (ε = 36,000 M−1 ...
Laccase activity assay Laccase activity was determined in 96-well plates at room temperature with 10 mM ABTS in 150 mM sodium acetate buffer at pH 5.0 as described earlier by Rühl et al. (2013). Oxidation of ABTS into its cation radical (ABTS·+) was measured by an increase of...
2.2. Laccase activity assay Laccase activity was determined using ABTS as substrate at 20 °C. The assay reaction contained 200 μL enzyme solution, 100 μL 1 mM ABTS and 700 μL 100 mM sodium acetate buffer pH 4.5. The oxidation of ABTS was monitored by the increase in ab...
2.2.3. Laccase activity assay The activities of the free and immobilized laccases were measured using ABTS as a substrate via a microplate reader (Synergy H1, Bio-Tek, USA) at 420 nm. The activity of the free laccase was determined by adding 50 μL of diluted laccase solution to 150 μ...
Laccase activity was expressed as international units (IU) and defined as the amount of enzyme forming 1 μmol of ABTS•+ per min under the assay conditions. Protein estimation Proteins were estimated using the Bradford micro assay [35] using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard. To 1mL...
One enzyme unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that oxidizes 1 µmol of ABTS per min. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) assay Superoxide dismutase activity was monitored by following the protocol of Debona et al. (2014). Mycelia from the interacting zone was weighed and crushed in phosphate ...
Laccase activity assay The substrate ABTS [2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] (sigma) was used to assess the laccase activity of the wildtype CueO and various CueO mutants by monitoring the change in absorption at 420 nm as described previously16. The assay mixture...
One unit of laccase activity was defined as the amount of enzyme that oxidized 1 μmol of ABTS substrate per min under the assay conditions and expressed as Units per g of dry substrate (U gds−1). 2.4. Optimization of laccase production The effect of co-substrate concentration on laccase...
Laccase was then incubated in this solution at room temperature for at least 10 min, prior to performing the laccase activity assay. The enzymatic reaction was carried out at 25 °C by adding 100 μL of the laccase incubation solution in 500 μL of 0.4 mM ABTS (in water) and 1400 μL...