The LacZ alpha-CcdB fusion protein produced by these plasmids has retained both the CcdB killer activity and the ability to alpha-complement the truncated LacZ delta M15. This bifunctionality allowed us to show that small PCR products (< 1000 bp) that do not disrupt lacZ alpha efficiently do...
Keith BJ, Jozwiakowski SK, Connolly BA: A plasmid-based lacZalpha gene assay for DNA polymerase fidelity measurement. Anal Biochem 2013, 433 (2) : 153-61. PubMed Abstract Publisher Full TextKeith B.J., Jozwiakowski S.K., Connolly B.A. A plasmid-based lacZα gene assay for DNA...
coli DH5α can be achieved through α-complementation mechanism by introducing a plasmid carrying a LacZ alpha subunit into the E. coli DH5α strain, which therefore complements the truncated LacZ gene and produces an active β-galactosidase enzyme [23]. Here, we study the α-complementation ...
工作原理:BLOCK-iT™ RNAi 靶标筛选系统方法使用 β-半乳糖苷酶活性试验测量 RNAi 试剂(Stealth RNAi™ siRNA、siRNA、dicer 库或含 shRNA 的质粒)的敲低能力。要确定对您的靶标极有效的敲低试剂,只需将您的靶基因克隆到 pSCREEN-iT ™/lacZ-DEST Gateway™ 载体中即可。将所得构建体与正在检测的敲... rights and content Abstract The mobilizable shuttle cloning vectors, pATIS and pAT19, are composed of: (i) the replication origins of pUC and of the broad-host-range enterococcal plasmid pAMβ1; (ii) an erythromycin-resistance-encoding gene ...
The -440 to +6 human cardiac alpha-actin ... More Activity of Hb9 interneurons during fictive locomotion in mouse spinal cord. Authors:Kwan AC, Dietz SB, Webb WW, Harris-Warrick RM, Journal:J Neurosci PubMed ID:19759307 'Hb9 interneurons (Hb9 INs) are putative components of the mouse...
答:GlutaMAX-I 即谷丙氨酸二肽,是一个L-谷氨酰胺的衍生物,其不稳定的alpha-氨基用L-丙氨酸来保护。一种肽酶逐渐裂解二肽,释放L-谷氨酰胺供利用。GlutaMAX-I二肽非常稳定,即使在121磅灭菌20分钟,GlutaMAX-I 二肽溶液有最小的降解,如果在相同条件下,L-谷氨酰胺几乎完全降解 ...
Here we describe a general approach to obtaining lacZ inducible, T cell hybrids by generating two new fusion partners BWZ.36 and BWZ.36 CD8 alpha derived by transfecting alpha-beta-BW5147 cells with the NFAT--lacZ construct. Using these fusion partners and normal T cells from immunized mice,...
plasmid vectors for lacZ alpha-complementation High-copy-number and low-copy-number plasmid vectors for lacZ alpha-complementation and chloramphenicol- or kanamycin-resistance selection 上传者:u012769258时间:2013-11-08 通用版2020版高考生物二轮复习专题强化练十九基因工程与细胞工程含解析201912071206 ...
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