Single-stranded DNA versus tailed duplex in sequence conversion oflacZ alpha DNASequence conversiongene correctionsingle-stranded DNA fragment5'-tailed duplexgenome editingTargeted DNA editing has great potential to cure some genetic diseases; however, the use of artificial nucleases such as CRISPR-Cas9 ...
而5’ 端的多克隆位点处在 LacZ promoter 和 LacZ alpha fragment之间。
3. 结果 3.1 牛αs1-酪蛋白基因 5’调控序列的克隆和真核表达载体的构建 3.1.1 牛αs1-酪蛋白基因 5’调控序列的克隆及测序: 采用 P1、P2 引物, 以牛基因组 DNA 为模板进行 PCR 扩增,其产物用 1%琼脂糖凝胶 电泳分析,可见 1.2 kb 的特异条带( 图 1)。将该特异条带回收后与 pGEM-T 载体重组构建 ...
1988. pACYC184-derived cloning vectors containing the multiple cloning site and lacZ alpha re- porter gene of pUC8/9 and pUC18/19 plasmids. Gene 68:159 -162.MARTINEZE,., BARTOLOMBE., & DELA CRUZ,F. (1988). pACYC 184- derived cloning vectors containing the multiple cloning site and lacZ...
A new 4.87 kb Escherichia-Pseudomonas shuttle vector has been constructed by inserting a 1.27 kb DNA fragment with a replication origin of a Pseudomonas plasmid pRO1614 into the 3.6 kb E. coli plasmid pBGS18. This vector, designated pJHl, contains an ainiiioglycoside phosphotransferase gene (aph...