给不玩泥巴的准新手还是换成老款标配的米其林Anakee Adventure,这套胎水鸟上也用了很久,80%铺装20%非...
KTM Adventure Touring1050编者按:刚看见KTM 2015 1290 Super Adventure时,我们第一个反应是以为在2013年推出市场的1190 Adventure会被取代。岂料KTM表明1190 Adventure和Adve +14 分享回复赞 越野摩托车吧 嗯-嗯--嗯- KTM杜克200/390 8成新车是16年的实表不到八 千一手车发动机完美 #摩托车整车#闲鱼链接 +1...
View Forum Discussion The 890 Duke replaces the 790 Duke for the 2021 model year. KTM has unveiled the 890 Duke naked street bike which replaces the 790 Duke for the 2021 model year. The styling of the 890 Duke is exactly what you would expect from a KTM naked bike. The bike looks...
we contacted Ian Chappel (ian.n.chappel@gmail.com), located in Great Britain. Ian is known on a popular adventure bike forum for his wizardry at creating custom KTM parts, including ABS
motorcycles several years ago when I barely had enough time to ride test bikes in the MD garage (sometimes totaling as much as six). Recently, I got the bug to purchase, and modify, a bike and, after much thought, decided on a 2019 KTM 790 Adventure (the standard model, not the “...