对于Voron机型,如果使用TMC2209类型的可以使用无限位xy归零,Z建议还是正常归零和调平。 下面为配置方式,以TMC2209为例 需要注意的是: 需要打开无限位归零设置 设置虚拟限位 也就是endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x: virtual_endstop这个位置 设置灵敏度 对于灵敏度的设置需要根据你自己的机器做调整数值在driver_sgthr...
(默认已设置,无需改动)设置对应电机endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x:virtual_endstop (无需设置,如果非2209/2240,则改为-63)设置driver_SGTHRS: 255 (默认已设置,无需改动)设置正确的diag_pin override.cfg 内容# Copy # [include override.cfg][idle_timeout]timeout:600[printer]max_accel:15000max_accel...
endstop_pin: ^PA0 [tmc2208 stepper_z] uart_pin: PC15 #microsteps: 16 interpolate: True run_current: 0.9 hold_current: 0.7 sense_resistor: 0.110 stealthchop_threshold: 200 ### Z1轴设置 ### [stepper_z1] #Z1电机脉冲引脚设置 step_pin: PE6 #Z1电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前...
Good afternoon, I have finally got things another few steps and actually thru the config checks got the stepper motors to move. But they will not home at all. I am using a Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 board and had to take the 2130's out and go back on my Anycubic delta with the old chips...
rotary_delta_calibrate.test screws_tilt_adjust.cfg screws_tilt_adjust.test sdcard_loop.cfg sdcard_loop.test temperature.cfg temperature.test tmc.cfg tmc.test z_tilt.cfg z_tilt.test z_virtual_endstop.cfg z_virtual_endstop.test .gitignore COPYING Makefile README.mdBreadcrumbs...
-1# Z轴最大行程--软件限位(如果是350机型,需更改为350)position_max:300# Z轴的机械复位点坐标,Y可以理解为喷嘴的偏移值,值越大,喷嘴离热床越近(负值也一样,eg.-1>-2)#position_endstop: 3.56# 复位速度homing_speed:16.0# 第二次精确复位的速度second_homing_speed:3.0# 第一次触发复位开关之后的...
[stepper_z] step_pin: PC2 dir_pin: !PC1 enable_pin: !PC3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 endstop_pin: ^!PA7 #position_endstop: 304 position_max: 308 homing_speed: 10.0 position_min: -6.0 [extruder] step_pin: PL7 dir_pin: PL6 ...
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop position_max: 670 position_min: -0.5 [tmc2660 stepper_z] cs_pin: PD24 spi_bus: usart1 interpolate: True run_current: 1.800 sense_resistor: 0.051 idle_current_percent: 20 #___ Z1 ON DRIVE E4 ___ [stepper_z1] step_pin: PD0 dir_pin: !PD16...
Add these lines at the end of the file: [virtual_sdcard] # for gcode upload path: /root/gcode_files [display_status] # for display messages in status panel [pause_resume] # for pause/resume functionality. # Mainsail/fluidd needs gcode macros for `PAUSE`, `RESUME` and `CANCEL_PRINT`...