Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world's most powerful predators. They're immediately recognizable by their distinctive black-and-white coloring. Smart and social, orcas make a wide variety of communicative sounds, and each pod has distinctive noises that...
The orca or killer whale is a toothed whale and is a member of the Dolphin family (it is the largest dolphin). There are 3 distinct species of these warm blooded, air breathing mammals: Resident Killer Whales, Transient Killer whales, and Off-shore Killer Whales. The main factors which se...
Pygmy killer whales, one of the most poorly-known species of dolphins in the world, are observed at least several times a year within Hawaiian waters. Through photo id’s, they (unlike pygmy killer whales anywhere else in the world) seem to be “regular” residents – never leaving the co...
We present the current available knowledge about sexual behavior and mating systems in the killer whale, Orcinus orca, focusing primarily on the most well-studied ecotype, the Residents of the eastern North Pacific. Resident killer whales display lifetim
Orcas, commonly known as killer whales, are large marine mammals that belong to the suborder odontoceti. Click for facts and worksheets in PDF format!
Scientific Name:Pseudorca crassidens Of the 18 species of toothed whales found in Hawaii, the Hawaiian false killer whales are the most at risk. Federally listed as Endangered in December 2012,False killer whaleshave the lowest known abundance , and are divided into three discrete populations (an...
Killer Whales prey on seal, fish, and squid. What is the average litter size for a Killer Whale? The average litter size for a Killer Whale is 1. What is an interesting fact about Killer Whales? Killer Whales typically consume over 200 kg of food a day! What is the scientific name fo...
This group is itself part of the group of animals known as ‘whales’ – orCetacea, to give it its scientific name. The Cetaceans’ closet living relative is the hippopotamus! The cooperative methods of hunting exhibited by killer whales have also earned them the nickname, ‘Wolves of the Se...
(20%)AThe name “killer whale" strikes fear in the heart of people.(26),this name isn't veryaccurate at all. It was originally just a reference to the fact that these whales hunted ingroups and conducted(27)attacks on their prey. Killer whales, also known as orcas,are actually very ...
Fast Facts: Killer Whales (Orcas) Scientific Name:Orcinus orca Common Name(s): Killer whale, orca, blackfish, grampus Basic Animal Group:Mammal Size:16–26 feet Weight: 3–6 tons Lifespan: 29–60 years Diet:Carnivore Habitat:All oceans and most seas with a preference for northern latitudes...