the killer whale, also known as the orca orOrcinus orca,is probably one of the most easily-recognized cetacean species. The largest of the dolphin species, orcas live in oceans and seas around the world and can grow to 32 feet long and weigh up to six tons. The name killer whale origin...
Common Name: Orca (Killer Whale) Scientific Name: Orcinus orca Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Group Name: Pod Average Life Span In The Wild: 50 to 80 years Size: 23 to 32 feet Weight: Up to 6 tons Size relative to a bus: IUCN Red List Status: ? Data deficient LC NT VU EN ...
The orca or killer whale is a toothed whale and is a member of the Dolphin family (it is the largest dolphin). There are 3 distinct species of these warm blooded, air breathing mammals: Resident Killer Whales, Transient Killer whales, and Off-shore Killer Whales. The main factors which se...
Although it is commonly named “killer whale,” environmentalist are trying to change this name because there are two inaccuracies in it: it is not a whale, and much less a killer. The Orca is a toothed cetacean member of the genus Delphinidae, so it is the largest dolphin in the world....
We present the current available knowledge about sexual behavior and mating systems in the killer whale, Orcinus orca, focusing primarily on the most well-studied ecotype, the Residents of the eastern North Pacific. Resident killer whales display lifetim
aThe Killer Whale or Orca (Orcinus orca), less commonly, Blackfish or Seawolf, is the largest species of the dolphin family. It is found in all the world's oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to warm, tropical seas. 共同虎鲸或海怪(Orcinus海怪),较少,过卵之鲑鱼或者Seawolf...
1. What can we learn about a mother killer whale's chance of having more babies? A. It is independent of her son's age. B. A mother of a son won't have another baby. C. A mother of daughters has the least chance. D. It changes with the social structure of the pod2. What ...
The pygmy killer whale despite its name, is not closely related to the orca (Orcinus orca), the so-called “killer whale,” but it has similar features which gave it this name. The naturalist John Gray described this species in 1874, but previously in 1827, the report of another scientist...
Killer Whale (Orcinus-orca) KandukePoster presented by Dr. John Jett at 2012 Marine Mammal Health Conference- Sarasota, FL:Evidence of Lethal Mosquito Transmitted Viral Disease in Captive Orcinus orca Kanduke...
Killer whale distribution is seasonally limited by pack ice. The scientific name for Killer whales is Orcinus orca. Orcus was a mythological Roman god of the netherworld with a fierce reputation, and Orca means ‘the shape of a barrel or cask’ in Latin. ...