Killer Whale Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Cetacea Family Delphinidae Genus Orcinus Scientific Name Orcinus orca Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Killer Whale Conservation Status Data Deficient Killer Whale Locations Ocean...
We present the current available knowledge about sexual behavior and mating systems in the killer whale, Orcinus orca, focusing primarily on the most well-studied ecotype, the Residents of the eastern North Pacific. Resident killer whales display lifetim
33,34,37,38. Discrete calls can be reliably distinguished aurally and visually on a spectrogram and used to differentiate among populations37,39,40,41,42. Transient killer whale calls are also often characterized by an audible quavering of the fundamental sound frequencies...
Nowadays, machine (deep) learning approaches are increasingly applied to segment/detect and classify animal-specific vocal activities on various taxonomic levels within noise-heavy bioacoustic data, such as bird species/call type detection and classification16,17, right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) signal...
the killer whale and sense of self There has long been the perception that a "sense of self" is a uniquely human experience. Recent work with primates, whales and elephants however, suggest that they too, have a sense of self. In the simplest test, animals faces or heads are marked, an...
(2) theLong-Tailregion—visualizing a significantly larger number of killer whale individuals, however, with considerably less occurrences. For the purpose of this pilot study, the top-100 most commonly occurring killer whale individuals were selected for supervised classification and as boundary ...
Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Infraorder: Cetacea Family: Delphinidae Genus: Orcinus Species: Orcinus orca Orca, killer whale (Orcinus orca) Orca – king of the oceans Killer whales are the ocean’s largest and most dangerous predators. They ...
the calf to rest and sleep without having to exert energy to keep swimming. By riding in their mother's slipstream, the calf can take time to rest. However, this does mean that the mother whale cannot stop swimming until her calf has enough blubber to float easily and rest on its own....
Killer whales (KW) may be predators or competitors of other cetaceans. Since their foraging behavior and acoustics differ among populations (‘ecotypes’), we hypothesized that other cetaceans can eavesdrop on KW sounds and adjust their behavior according to the KW ecotype. We performed playback ...
classification technique, with the particular goal of identifying foraging dives. By closely examining the structure of these foraging dives, we could compare killer whale hunting behavior to the vertical distributions of various Pacific salmonids to see if whales targeted the depth ranges typically ...