Killer Whale Random Male Female Androgynous Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID81856 NameKiller Whale Other Namesシャチ, Shachi Wealth 1 2 1 RoleUnsorted Primary AssignmentOne Piece Media Typeanime Voiced ByTakahiro Fujimoto, 藤本たかひろ, ふじもと たかひろ...
We present the current available knowledge about sexual behavior and mating systems in the killer whale, Orcinus orca, focusing primarily on the most well-studied ecotype, the Residents of the eastern North Pacific. Resident killer whales display lifetim
The article discusses research reported by Lance Barrett-Lennard and colleagues in a January 2011 issue of "Marine Ecology Progress Series" on the killing of gray whale calves by killer whales as the former migrate with their mothers to the Aleutian Islands from Baja California, Mexico. The ...
Common Name: Orca (Killer Whale) Scientific Name: Orcinus orca Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Group Name: Pod Average Life Span In The Wild: 50 to 80 years Size: 23 to 32 feet Weight: Up to 6 tons Size relative to a bus: IUCN Red List Status: ? Data deficient LC NT VU EN ...
A 14-year-old killer whale named Wilkie has learned how to "speak" to humans.Wilkie, who lives at a whale aquarium(水族馆)in France, is able to imitate(模仿) a human saying "hello”, “bye-bye" and "one, two" after working with a team of researchers from the UK, Spain, Chile ...
Using a telescope we could see that something was hap-②telescope /'teliskaup/n.望远镜pening. As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked③see sth. being done看到某物正在被做by a pack of about six other killers.a pack of 一队;一群“What're they doing?" I asked George....
name killer whale originated with whalers, who called the species "whale killer" because of its tendency to prey on whales along with other species such as pinnipeds and fish. Over time, perhaps because of the whale's tenacity and ferocity in hunting, the name was switched to "killer whale...
Killer Whale (Orcinus Orca) INFORMATION AND CHARACTERISTICS. Although it is commonly named “killer whale,” environmentalist are trying to change this name because there are two inaccuracies in it: it is not a whale, and much less a killer. The Orca is a toothed cetacean member of the genus...
Path:Animal Facts/ Killer Whale Facts & Information Killer Whales (Orca Whale, Black Fish) Scientific Name: Orcinus Orca Family: Dolphins Class: Marine Mammal Here you can find scientific information in German:Grosser Schwertwal, Orcawal, Killerwal, pictures on a German website:Wale und Wal Bil...
"In other animals," he says"at some point, you just stop relying on your mom as much."1. What can we learn about a mother killer whale's chance of having more babies? A. It is independent of her son's age. B. A mother of a son won't have another baby. C. A mother of ...