一、kdigo_creatinine.sql 提取入ICU前7天所有肌酐值 二、kdigo_stages.sql 基线标准 如何理解上面说的这个基线值是动态的?我们来看下kdigo标准的sql 我们来从organfailure_kdigo_stage_cr_only里面选取一个病人来看。stay_id:30013402 可以看出来,这个病人住ICU前七天到出ICU期间一共做了12次下肌酐,第3次肌酐前...
[1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated. Clin Kidney J. 2019;13(4):613-624. Published 2019 Aug 3. doi:10.1093/...
参考文献(上下滑动查看) [1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasure...
[1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated. Clin Kidney J. 2019;13(4):613-624. Published 2019 Aug 3. doi:10.1093...
COVID-19 Associated Acute Kidney Injury: The Incidence and Associated Factors in Different KDIGO Stages Among the Hospitalized Patientsdoi:10.52547/ijkd.7636SARS-CoV-2ACUTE kidney failureCOVID-19HOSPITAL patientsIntroduction. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the most common reported renal co...
et al. Acute kidney injury according to KDIGO stages and maternal mortality in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 41, 555–556 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00134-014-3626-8 Download citation Accepted16 December 2014 Published08 January 2015 Issue DateMarch 2015 DOIhttps://doi....
(bone remodeling).As a result, bone abnormalities are found almost universallyin patients with CKD requiring dialysis (stage 5D), and in themajority of patients with CKD stages 3–5. More recently,there has been an increasing concern of extraskeletalcalcification that may result from the deranged...
stagesweretheindependentriskfactorsfordeathwithin30dafteroperation(allP<0.05).Theareaunderthecurve(AUC) ofRIFLE,AKINandKDIGOstagestopredictdeathwithin30dafterlivertransplantationwere0.828,0.766and0.844, ComparisonoftheaccuracyofRIFLE,AKINandKDIGOcriteriainpredictingearlydeathafterlivertransplantationLiuXun,Xue ...
This recommendation applies to patients who have T1D or T2D and CKD, with the caveat that reliability of HbA1c level for glycemic monitoring is low at more advanced CKD stages (Figure 6). Practice Point 2.1.1: Monitoring long-term glycemic control by HbA1c twice per year is reasonable for...