[1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated. Clin Kidney J. 2019;13(4):613-624. Published 2019 Aug 3. doi:10.1093/...
[1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated. Cl...
Bentata Y, Madani H, Berkhli H, Haddiva I, Saadi H, Mimouni A, et al. Acute kidney injury according to KDIGO stages and maternal mortality in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med. 2015;41(3):555-6.Bentata Y, Madani H, Berkhli H, Haddiya I, Saadi H, Mimouni A, Housni...
[1] Wong MMY, Tu C, Li Y, et al. Anemia and iron deficiency among chronic kidney disease Stages 3-5ND patients in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study: often unmeasured, variably treated. Clin Kidney J. 2019;13(4):613-624. Published 2019 Aug 3. doi:10.1093/...
Existing scores are limited in that they have been designed to predict only severe, or non-consensus AKI definitions and not less severe stages of AKI, which also have prognostic significance. The aim of this study was to develop and validate novel risk scores that could identify all patients ...
(a) Factors associated with increased risk of kidney disease (blue), stages of disease (green), and complications (including death; purple). Horizontal arrows show transitions between stages (kidney outcomes). Solid arrows pointing from left to right show progression of kidney disease. Dashed arrow...
C Low The true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect. D Very Low The estimate of effect is very uncertain, and often will be far from the truth. STAGES OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE 2 CKD Stage Description GFR (ml/min per 1.73 m ) 1 Kidney damage with ...
Existing scores are limited in that they have been designed to predict only severe, or non-consensus AKI definitions and not less severe stages of AKI, which also have prognostic significance. The aim of this study was to develop and validate novel risk scores that could identify all patients ...
Lipid parameters are altered in the earliest stages of primary kidney disease, some even when measured glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is still normal. The main problem is that routinely measured lipid parameters are deceivingly normal except low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and moderately elevated...
培哚普利在CKD患者治疗中的意义 目录 KDIGO将全因死亡作为CKD最重要的预后之一培哚普利改善CKD患者的预后证据充分培哚普利改善CKD患者预后的机制探讨 全球成人CKD患病率10-13%!4-6亿人患有CKD!国际肾脏病学会、国际肾脏病联合会于2006年确定每年3月份第二个星期四为“世界肾脏病日”我国CKD患病率为10.8%,据此...