Tower Records (タワーレコード, Tawā Rekōdo) is an international retail music business and online music store, known for holding many events related to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise. Typically centered around the stores in Shibuya and Osaka, Japan,
Josuke uses his Stand to take the money from the thugs and pay the pet shop owner. Shakedown Road Carrier Girl Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 19: "Shakedown Road", Part 2 A well-endowed woman with a noticeable tattoo on her inner thigh and having business with the three thugs. She ...
Trish Una, and attempts to retrieve her via manipulatingTeam Bucciaratithrough his orders. He andVinegar Doppioare two souls inhabiting a single body, and while Doppio can only partially manifest the incredibly deadlyKing Crimson, Diavolo is theStand's primary User and wields its brutal power in...
Funny Valentine (37th Universe) Funnier Valentine The Funniest Valentine Jonda Joestar Edvard Noriega Alejandro Torres Javier Cortez Faraday Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak Ryoko Kakyoin Kouji Kiyohara Kazuki Karaiya Petsounds Other Stand User (Famicom Jump II) ...
I.G. during her plan to retrieve Giorno's brooch after it took out most of Team Bucciarati's members. Initially cautious and fearful of the Stand, Trish eventually awakens her Stand Spice Girl and uses her newfound confidence to fight off Notorious B.I.G. before sending them into the ...
Funny Valentine (ファニー・ヴァレンタイン, Fanī Varentain) is the main antagonist of Steel Ball Run. Funny Valentine is the 23rd President of the United StatesW and the true mastermind behind the Steel Ball Run race. He watches the competition from be
Chapter 49: "Straizo VS Joseph, Part 2" was originally named after Sydney Sheldon's Master of the GameW, a novel that tells the rise of a rich and powerful family over several generations, and includes a conflict between twin sisters, one of them repetitively trying to kill her twin and...