JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険~7人目のスタンド使い~) is a turn-based RPG non-profitable fangame based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise, developed by Clayman. The game was released on 2014 in Japanese and had an English translation released...
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Seth is the shadowlike stand of Alessi, which is fought alongside him in Luxor. Anyone who stands in it is made younger.
模板:Infobox stand Name-justin于2年前修改了此页面。被搬运1次。 赤红花冠 Red Garland レッド・ガーランド 基本信息 本体预设名赤塚 替身类型近距离力量型 元出处William "Red" Garland———前职业为拳击手的爵士钢琴家 登场信息 性格诊断 沉默而冷靜,有重量感又落落大方的人。 堅持不懈踏踏實實地完成每...
模板:Stand data Name-justin于2年前修改了此页面。