JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険~7人目のスタンド使い~) is a turn-based RPG non-profitable fangame based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise, developed by Clayman. The game was released on 2014 in Japanese and h
粗体字是距离一致或属性效果绝佳时的倍率。 属性ABCDE参考 近距离 150%125% 75% 40% 0% 距离S的敌人大伤害。每隔一段距离,伤害衰减。 中距离 130%115% 100% 75% 0% 对距离M的敌人有效,距离S、L也不怎么特别大衰减,不过这类能力伤害比较平庸。 远距离 100% 100% 100% 75% 0% 对任何距离的敌人都...
玩家通过性格诊断根据结果在18位(18种)替身使者中选择一位作为主角。 性格诊断 也可选择主角的性别,为了体现对应性别所展示的不同反应 也就是说根据两种性别×18种性格共计能看到36种不同的情况。 并且根据替身・性别等因素就连事件都可能会发生变化,
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It seems I, Kars, am the only one left... but only one can stand at the top! ” —Kars, Chapter 104:The Warrior Returns to the Wind “ Heh! A one-on-one fight... ludicrous! My only goal is the Red Stone! To become the 'Ultimate Thing'! I don't have any romantic spirit,...
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The Old Man Stand User (スタンド使いの老人, Sutando tsukai no Rōjin) is a enemy Stand user exclusively featured in Chapter 2 of Volume 1 of the Drama CD, based on Stardust Crusaders. His real name is unknown. The unnamed strange Old Man is a senile 89-y
the light novelJORGE JOESTAR,Diavolo is one of the characters from the37th Universe, as the former Boss of Passione like his original counterpart. He is first mentioned as one of the murder victims ofAntonio Torres, the other beingYoshikage Kira. He still wields his Stand, King Crimson.[9...
Intelligence: Johnny Joestar proves himself a competent Stand User, being able to use Tusk's abilities to the fullest. Johnny Joestar has occasionally used the terrain and his enemy's own power against them and was perceptive enough to quickly deduce Alternate Diego's time stopping power. Marksma...