JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険~7人目のスタンド使い~) is a turn-based RPG non-profitable fangame based on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise, developed by Clayman. The game was released on 2014 in Japanese and had an English translation released...
黄金之心论坛上有详细攻略(包括好感度和邪恶度对剧情的影响),可以去看看 来自Android客户端3楼2017-03-19 13:05 收起回复 Vel 天使 11 请问汉化版的完整the 7th stand user出了吗?目前我玩了好长时间英文版的了。找不着完整的中文版。好感度可以增加(改变)一些故事剧情和结局。邪恶值好像可以打开投靠dio的...
Intelligence: Johnny Joestar proves himself a competent Stand User, being able to use Tusk's abilities to the fullest. Johnny Joestar has occasionally used the terrain and his enemy's own power against them and was perceptive enough to quickly deduce Alternate Diego's time stopping power. Marksma...
being that of asaint. Scattered into nineCorpse Parts(遺体部位)by the forces of nature, the Saint's Corpse and its pieces are capable of imparting miraculous powers to their wielders, usually in the form ofStandabilities. Although their true identity is never outright stated,[2]the saint in...
Cream and The Hand Vanilla Ice's Stand, Cream is able to devour itself and its user to become a void that devours everything it comes in contact with.[6] Vanilla describes it as a dimension of darkness, though he is unsure himself where exactly the objects are sent to. While in this...
The Old Man Stand User (スタンド使いの老人, Sutando tsukai no Rōjin) is a enemy Stand user exclusively featured in Chapter 2 of Volume 1 of the Drama CD, based on Stardust Crusaders. His real name is unknown. The unnamed strange Old Man is a senile 89-y
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Trish Una, and attempts to retrieve her via manipulatingTeam Bucciaratithrough his orders. He andVinegar Doppioare two souls inhabiting a single body, and while Doppio can only partially manifest the incredibly deadlyKing Crimson, Diavolo is theStand's primary User and wields its brutal power in...
Seth is the shadowlike stand of Alessi, which is fought alongside him in Luxor. Anyone who stands in it is made younger.
模板:Infobox stand Name-justin于2年前修改了此页面。被搬运1次。 赤红花冠 Red Garland レッド・ガーランド 基本信息 本体预设名赤塚 替身类型近距离力量型 元出处William "Red" Garland———前职业为拳击手的爵士钢琴家 登场信息 性格诊断 沉默而冷靜,有重量感又落落大方的人。 堅持不懈踏踏實實地完成每...