Whether it was destroyed, captured, or hidden–nobody knows. One of the most famous claims about the Ark's whereabouts is that before the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem, it had found its way to Ethiopia, where it still residesin the town of Aksum, in the St.Mary of Zion cathedral. ...
A story of archaeology set in modern day Jerusalem and the search for the Temple of the Jews, destroyed in 70AD by the Roman Emperor to be Titus, who sacked the city and razed the Temple to the ground.John Francis Kinsella
Yeshua (Jesus) foresaw the destruction of the walls of Jerusalem, which were destroyed by the Romans after Jerusalem fell in AD 70. While He was on theMount of Olives, just prior to His entrance into Jerusalem on a colt, Yeshua wept over the destruction that would come upon the city beca...
The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70, fulfilling Jesus' prophecy that "not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down" (Matthew 24:2). This event marked a significant turning point in Jewish history and the early Christian church.Theological ...
An opening night event was held at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel for the estimated 900 participants, players, coaches, and managers. Steve Leibowitz, President of AFI American Football in Israel and a driving force behind the games while most of the world was hesitant due to the pandemic, welcom...
After the division of the tribes, it continued the capital of the kingdom of Judah, was several times taken and plundered, and at length was destroyed at the Babylonian captivity, 2 Kings 14:13 2 Chronicles 12:9 21:16 24:23 25:23 36:3,10 17:1-20:37. After seventy years, it was...
was built by Solomon in the 10th century BC and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC; the second was built in 515 BC and the third was an enlargement by Herod the Great in 20 BC that was destroyed by the Romans during a Jewish revolt in AD 70; all that remains is the Wailing Wall...
was built by Solomon in the 10th century BC and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC; the second was built in 515 BC and the third was an enlargement by Herod the Great in 20 BC that was destroyed by the Romans during a Jewish revolt in AD 70; all that remains is the Wailing Wall...
Now the rampaging Romans, seeing that the inner Temple was destroyed, grabbed the gold and furniture, carrying out their swag, before they set fire to the rest of the complex. As the Inner Courtyard burned, and the next day dawned, the surviving rebels broke out through the Roman lines ...
In 135 AD, the city of Jerusalem was completely destroyed, ruins tillage Narita, like the old days of the destruction of Carthage. The people more than the remnants of the killings after the captivity of slavery, the barren countryside of the entire Palestinian farmhouse for the Market. So th...