What really happened to the million Jews who lived in Arab lands? Unfortunately, so many people spread lies about what happened to those Jews – chiefly as a way of propping up a false Palestinian narrative – that most people have no idea of the truth or the scale of the disaster. They...
The Biblical idea of the angel is not Greek but Hebrew, and in Hebrew the word for wing (כנף, kanap) is associated not with flight but rather with protecting. When Jesus says: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her...
Hermon, and close to Syria. Other maps show Caesarea at the lowest point in which that nation touches Israel along the coast. So, I am not clear which one is true. The Southernmost version is about halfway between Jerusalem and Syria. The Pulpit Commentary says this about the cohort. “...
JERUSALEM (AP) — World Central Kitchen, the food charity founded by celebrity chef José Andrés, called a halt to its work in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike killed seven of its workers, mostly foreigners. The group, which said it will make decisions about longer...
Church tradition says that James, Andrew, and Peter died before the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, but John survived Jerusalem's ruin by at least twenty years. The problem with this view is that even if the prophecies are "spiritualized," or interpreted in a spiritual and not literal way, ...
And this is indeed what happened in 70 AD. The way of the Pharisees was destroyed when Jerusalem and the temple were burned with fire. This does not mean that the Pharisees and all who followed their teachings were unregenerate sinners who will spend eternity burning in hell. Everlasting to...
It is the decision of the Most High that this has happened to my lord the king. 25 You will be driven[ey] from human society,[ez] and you will live[fa] with the wild animals. You will be fed[fb] grass like oxen,[fc] and you will become damp with the dew of the sky. ...
During December 999 AD, everyone was on their best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor, swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem, buildings went unrepaired, crops were left unplanted, and criminals were set free from jails. The year 999 AD turned ...
And Paul took the contributions to Jerusalem himself, assisted by his disciples. A precious and wise bishop from Serbia once told me that no one can be a loyal patriot of heavenly homeland unless they first become responsible and learn how to be a national-patriot of their own earthly homelan...
Israel is likened to the fig tree in the Bible and when the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus cursed the fig tree. The Romans then destroyed Jerusalem in AD70 and Israel has not been a nation since then - until it blossomed in1948. We are 'this generation'!