the region became known asJesus’boyhood home and, thereafter, the site of most of his public ministry. Most of the miracles recounted in the New Testament were performed in Galilee. After the destruction of the Second Temple (70ce) by the Romans, the centre of Jewish scholarship in Palesti...
Jesus foretold very specifically when this would happen: at the Fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, when Israel was judged according to her works: But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things whic...
Second, it is claimed in Acts 22:3 that Paul’s rabbinic studies were under Gamaliel in Jerusalem. Yet, none of his ascribed writings and arguments in the Greek New Testament are Gamaliel or rabbinic in nature. Most historical scholars of Late Second Temple Judaism and Zugot-Tannaitic ...
was built by Solomon in the 10th century BC and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC; the second was built in 515 BC and the third was an enlargement by Herod the Great in 20 BC that was destroyed by the Romans during a Jewish revolt in AD 70; all that remains is the Wailing Wall...
In German, “Tokio” is currently more common. However, the also possible “Tokyo” corresponds more closely to the Japanese “東京” (Tōkyō). 8. For a detailed discussion, see Häusler,2021b, pp. 20–21. See also the subchapter “Defining Tokyo” in Jacobs,2019, in which the questio...
Saint John of DamascusinSyria,who died in 749 A.D., was the Patriarch of Jerusalem and was considered one of the greatest scholars in the 8th century. He wrote “On the Heresy of the Ishmaelites” in his book,On Heresies(translated by Catholic Univ...
Threat theology has long been protected in the great world religions and has terrorized billions across history, since the origin of conscious humanity. Spoiler: The Mother of all boogeymen- threatening deity- has never existed. It has always been a great fraud and lie yet is still protected ...
Section Two Christian Culture ——Kingdom of Heaven Ten measures of beauty God gave to the world, nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest. Ten measures of suflering God gave to the world, nine to Jerusalem and one to the rest. ——The Talmud 点击中间区域呼出菜单上...
Throughout history city walls were made as protection from the enemy. They were usually massive structures, punctuated with guard towers. Some were built on hills, making invasions more difficult, while others fronted seas and oceans to protect the towns
Ancient winery gave rich Romans a taste of winemaking - without the hard work - "Researchers speculate that an emperor and his courtiers could have visited the villa annually for the experience. A lavish 2,000-year-old winery uncovered in the ruins of a villa just outside Rome may have bee...