Evaluation of the ISO7932standardforthe enumerationofBacillus cereusinfoods. SCHULTENSM,VELDPHI,NAGELKERKE NJD.et al. Int.J.of Food Microbiol . 2000Schulten, S. M. et al., Evaluation of the ISO 7932 standard for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods, Int. J. Food Microbiol., 57, ...
ISO7932:2004/Amd1:2020标准的英文全称是Microbiologyoffoodandanimalfeedingstuffs,中文翻译为“食品和动物饲料微生物学——Bacilluscereus的计数方法的水平——在30度下的菌落计数技术——修订1:包含可选测试”。这是一个用于食品和动物饲料中Bacilluscereus菌落计数的方法标准。以下是这个标准内容的详细解释: ...
EN ISO 7932-1997 微生物学腊状芽孢杆菌计数通用指南30度时菌落计数技术 Microbiology - General guidance for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus - Colony-count technique at 30℃ (ISO 7932:1993, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1997) EN ISO 7933-2004 热环境的人类工效学.通过计算预热应力对热应力的分析...
DIN EN ISO 7932-1998 微生物学.蜡状芽孢杆菌计数的一般指导.30°C时的菌落计数技术 Microbiology - General guidance for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus - Colony-count technique at 30 C (ISO 7932:1993, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1997) DIN EN ISO 7933-2004 热环境的人类工效学.通过计算预...
By using the guidelines provided in the standard, we performed the method verification of Compact Dry BC, a ready-to-use media for quantification ofBacillus cereusin foods or raw materials. This Compact Dry BC method was validated by MicroVal according to the ISO 16140-2:2016 standard and ...
Microbiology Of Food And Animal Feeding Stuffs - Horizontal Method For The Enumeration Of Bacillus Cereus - Colony-count Technique At 30 Degrees C