医疗器械生物学评价 第7部分:环氧乙烷灭菌残留量 谢谢了,那是对应的2008版,新的估计还没出来。
7: Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals (ISO 10993-7 :2008+Cor1:2009 + 同 “ 叫咱 “ Amd 1:2019]; - German v ersion EN ISO 10993-7:2008 + AC:2009 + A1:2022 E S S Evaluation biologiqu e des dispositifs medicaux - - o h q O N Partie 7: Residus de sterili sation aIoxyde...
revised.ItalsoincorporatestheamendmentIS011607-1:2006/Amd.1:2014. Themainchangescomparedtothepreviouseditionareasfollows: thedefinitionshavebeenalignedwiththelatestversionofIso11139; newrequirementsfortheevaluationofusabilityforasepticpresentationhavebeenadded; newrequirementsfortheinspectionofsterilebarriersystemintegrit...
40、SO10993-7:2008/Amd.1:2019新生儿与婴儿充许限值的适用性 强调体重低于70公斤人群(主要是婴儿)中限度使用。器械接触时间持久接触长期接触短期接触极限浸提模拟浸提模拟浸提解析确认ISO10993- 7 附录G和H计算出来的短期接触医疗器械在各群 体 的接受限值(仅供参考)90接受限量(mg/day)成人儿童新生儿早产儿体重701...
12 ISO ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 AMD 3-2017 2017-11-01 English Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 3: Standard for Ethernet AMENDMENT 3: Physical layers and management parameters for 25 ...
12 ISO ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 AMD 3-2017 2017-11-01 English Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 3: Standard for Ethernet AMENDMENT 3: Physical layers and management parameters for 25 ...
ISO 13503-2-2006+AMD1-2009 石油和天然氣工業-完井液和材料-第2部分:水力壓裂和礫石填充操作支撐劑的性能測量 中文版¥240元 ISO 13577-1-2016 工業爐及相關處理設備-安全性-第1部分:一般要求 中文版¥380元 ISO 13577-2-2014 工業爐及相關處理設備-安全性-第2部分:燃燒及燃料處理系統 中文版¥600元 ...
麻醉剂和呼吸设备. 医疗气体用非交替式螺栓. 螺纹(NIST)低压力连接器尺寸 [包括ISO 18082:2014/Amd.1:2017, 修订 1] 7 ISO 18562-1:2017 Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process 医疗保健应用中...
DIN EN ISO 11746-2018 稻米.谷粒生物特性的测定(ISO 11746-2012+Amd 1-2017);德文版本EN ISO 11746-2012+A1-2017 简介:This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the biometric characteristics of husked or milled rice kernels. 信息:ICS:67.060 CCS:B22 发布:2018-0301 实施...