在idea中的编译scala项目的时候出现了 Error:(6, 8) WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount{ 原因是这两个myproject/src和myproject/src/main/scala被标记为源。因此,myproject/src/main/scala由于上述错误,intellij无法构建。取消标记源myproject/src (在intellij,File-> Project结构中...
解决办法:在 创建main文件夹和scala文件夹的时候,注意src与这两个文件夹不能同时设置为resources,否则就会产生报错,解决办法将src文件夹的resources取消,右键。
错误记录: 通过IDEA方式创建scala项目后,在修改项目目录结构时,将src、main、scala目录全部设置为Sources时, 运行程序时报错:Error:(1,8) helloisalreadydefinedasobjecthelloobjecthello { 解决方案: 只将程序上一层目录设置为Sources,问题解决。 idea 配置scala 和运行 HelloWorld的一些坑 ...
用miktex编译latex时,报了:Package ifluatex Error: Name clash, \ifluatex is already defined 经过百度+Google,终于解决了,建议以下步骤都尝试一遍。 管理员模式的控制台中执行:mpm --update-db --admin 打开tex console,切换到admin模式,check for updates然后upda... ...
scala之Intellij编译失败: "is already defined as" 我有一个 scala 项目,当从命令行使用 SBT 时,它可以正常编译、运行和测试。但是,在intellij中构建项目时,项目中的每个类的事件日志中似乎都有此错误,导致构建失败: SendCommandToService is already defined as case class SendCommandToService...
[error] [...]/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/scala/Person.scala:79: Person is already defined as object Person [error] object Person { [error] ^ [error] one error found [error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed It may be because the data format changed. If so, could you maybe updat...
These are all instances of Style) are defined by Scalatags.Of course, style is in the end just an attribute, so you can treat it as such and bind them directly without any fuss:html( head( script("some script") ), body( h1(style:="background-color: blue; color: red;")("This ...
Scala scalar UDFs are supported in Databricks Runtime 14.2 and above on shared clusters. Standard Scala thread pools are not supported. Instead, use the special thread pools in org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils, for example, org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool. However, ...
Scala UDFs are not supported in Databricks Runtime 14.1 and below on shared clusters. Scala scalar UDFs are supported in Databricks Runtime 14.2 and above on shared clusters. Standard Scala thread pools are not supported. Instead, use the special thread pools inorg.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils,...
Gatling Recorder a proxy that records requests and creates a simple simulation in Scala. to run the recorder application, run bin/recorder.sh Network options HTTP proxy If you need to set an outbound proxy enter the details here. Most of the... ...