初学idea scala测试出现 is already defined as object 一开始装了Scala,看着教程先写了一个小代码,结果说***is already defined as object,以为是和别的项目重复了,改成了一个字母的类名,仍然是相同的错误,一脸懵。觉得不会有人出这种错误,所以根本也没百度。后来挣扎了好久,还是百度了,解决方法如下: --- ...
IDEA调试scala报错:WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount { 解决办法: 然后Apply后,重新运行scala文件,运行成功!
(转)Intellij IDEA 测试scala程序的时候: "Test is already defined as object Test" :多重目录被设置为Source,导致出现多重对象这里SCALA和MAIN目录都为蓝色,说明都为SOURCE,导致了对象重复。 解决方案:将MAIN的SOURCE去掉,即可 具体方法:1.选择main目录...:https://blog.csdn.net/xxxx000/article/details/79824...
Package ifluatex Error: Name clash, \ifluatex is already defined 用miktex编译latex时,报了:Package ifluatex Error: Name clash, \ifluatex is already defined 经过百度+Google,终于解决了,建议以下步骤都尝试一遍。 管理员模式的控制台中执行:mpm --update-db --admin 打开tex console,切换到admin模式,...
message Person { required int32 id = 1; required string name = 2; optional string email = 3; } and get [error] [...]/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/scala/Person.scala:79: Person is already defined as object Person [error] object Person { [error] ^ [error] one error found [error...
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table'hero'is already definedforthis MetaData instance. Specify'extend_existing=True'to redefine options and columns on an existing Table object. Adding this fixes this problem, however reading various sites this is not recommended?
Keyword is not valid as an identifier Label '<labelname>' is already defined in the current method Label '<labelname>' is not defined Labels are not valid in the Immediate window Labels are not valid outside methods Labels that are numbers must be followed by colons Lambda expression can...
You don't receive an error message, and directory synchronization seems to be completed. However, some objects or attributes aren't updated as expected. Some examples of the error message that you may receive: A synchronized object with the same proxy address already exists in your M...
Error: InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Int32 Error: The AdRotator AdRotator1 could not find the AdvertisementFile or the file is invalid. Error: The string 'False' is not a valid Boolean value. Error: Type Arraylist is not defined Error:...