简介: A bean with that name has already been defined in class path resource and overriding is disabled.问题出现在我在配置druid 的时候,我配置完之后,因为druid @Primary表示这里定义的DataSource将覆盖其他来源的DataSource。 但是报错了 很显然它说不能重写,还告诉我们可以重命名一个bean,或者通过设置spirng...
1 JAVA中,写的Person类的class Person这行提示了The type Person is already defined.的错误,是什么情况? class Person { \x05private String name; \x05private int age; \x05public void setName(String n) { \x05\x05name = n; \x05} \x05public void setAge(int a) { \x05\x05age = a;...
Invalid bean definition with name 'org.springframework.transaction.config.internalTransactionalEventListenerFactory' defined innull: Cannot register bean definition [Root bean:class[org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionalEventListenerFactory]; scope=;abstract=false; lazyInit=null; autowireMode=0; ...
JAVA中,写的Person类的class Person这行提示了The type Person is already defined.的错误,是什么情况?class Person {\x05private String name;\x05private int age;\x05public void setName(String n) {\x05\x05name = n;\x05}\x05public void setAge(int a) {...
Annotation-specified bean name 'userDaoImpl' for bean class [***] conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean definition of same name and class [***] 2019-11-11 16:52 − 使用Spring开发的时候报错如下: Caused by: org.springframework.context.annotation.ConflictingBeanDefinitionException: Annotati...
解决The bean 'xxx', defined in class path resource [], could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been defined in file []and overriding is disabled. 问题: 在实现短信发送拦截功能时,创建了 PassportInterceptor 验证码拦截器类,使用了@Conponent注解;...
javaEE:'file()' is already defined in 'controller.FileUploadController报错,及分析 2 年前 一只程序媛 前端,java,数据分析,爬虫关注今天写javaee的文件上传和下载的时候报了 控制器.FileUploadController.multiFileUpload(FileUploadController.java:60) 的错误信息 这个提示信息是没有添加JSTL依赖 <!-- mvn...
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding设置为true,表示后发现的bean会覆盖之前相同名称的bean。但是添加这个配置无效,启动仍然提示上面错误。 二、问题分析和原因 1、怀疑spring没有... not be registered.Abeanwiththatnamehasalreadybeendefinedinclasspathresource[org ...
The type 类名 is already defined,在eclipse中当你定义一个类得时候,会莫名其妙的出现说The type 类名 is alreadydefined靠谱的
1JAVA中,写的Person类的class Person这行提示了The type Person is already defined.的错误,是什么情况?class Person {\x05private String name;\x05private int age;\x05public void setName(String n) {\x05\x05name = n;\x05}\x05public void setAge(int a) {\x05\x05age = a;\x05}\x05pu...