出现以下异常的原因是因为同包中有相同的类名了 Error:(73, 12) SensorReading is already defined as case class SensorReading case class SensorReading(id: String, timestamp: Long, temperature: Double) 管用请你点这里... 查看原文 Flink 的时间语义与Wartermark ...
我有一个 scala 项目,当从命令行使用 SBT 时,它可以正常编译、运行和测试。但是,在intellij中构建项目时,项目中的每个类的事件日志中似乎都有此错误,导致构建失败: SendCommandToService is already defined as case class SendCommandToService case class SendCommandToService(service: String, commandName: String, ...
问题 运行Flink scala程序时,提示如下错误,但仔细检查UserBehavior样例类的确仅定义了一次。 解决 右击重新编译代码,再运行。至于原因还不清楚。
解决:UserBehavior is already defined as case class UserBehavior,问题运行Flinkscala程序时,提示如下错误,但仔细检查UserBehavior样例类的确仅定义了一次。解决右击重新编译代码,再运行。至于原因还不清楚。
ill be happy ill be the girl who s ill be there tonighti ill be waiting here i ill find my soul as i ill health ill-being ill love himright or ill n ill name ill news travels fast ill paint my mood in ill posed problem ill smile in the cour ill-defined circulati ill-disposed ...
and as result and as they were eati and as your caretaker and as your last brea and aside from that and ask me you questi and ask my joni if sh and asked for joy and asking for a tabl and asks and asks for your and asthma and at 65 years old m and at the edge of th and ...
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.DuplicateTable) relation"ix_hero_name"already exists [SQL: CREATE INDEX ix_hero_name ON hero (name)] Moving thecreate_db_and_tables()out of the functions startup event fixes this problem and everything works as expected ...
i am no maven expert, but doesnt this mean that 1) and 2) is already respected? It's a bit more complex, as there are quite a few ways to set this in maven (multiple properties, config on the compiler plug-in). And I also started looking at gradle, but nothing finished there yet...
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'<member>' is already declared in this structure '<member>', implicitly defined for '<eventname>', cannot shadow a 'MustOverride' method in the base <class> '<classname>' '<membername>' cannot be declared 'Shadows' outside of a class, structure, or interface '<membername>' cannot ...