在idea中的编译scala项目的时候出现了 Error:(6, 8) WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount{ 原因是这两个myproject/src和myproject/src/main/scala被标记为源。因此,myproject/src/main/scala由于上述错误,intellij无法构建。取消标记源myproject/src (在intellij,File-> Project结构中...
在intelliJ IDEA 中编写scala, 编译时 报错 test is already defined as object test 类如下 object test{ def main(args:Array[String]){} } src/test, 此处src声明为Source 正常 src/main/scala/test, 此处 src main scala均为Source, 报错 src/main/scala/week/test,此处 src main scala 为Source, week...
IDEA调试scala报错:WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount { 解决办法: 然后Apply后,重新运行scala文件,运行成功!
finalActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create(); System.out.println(system.settings());// this is a shortcut for system.settings().config().root().render() 谈一谈类加载器 在配置文件的几个地方,可以通过制定类的全名来让Akka实例化该类。这是通过Java反射完成的,相应地用到了一个ClassLoader。在...
objectLesson_ObjectWithParam{ // object相当于java的工具类 defapply(s:String)={ println("name is "+s) } defapply(s:String,age:Int)={ println("name is "+s+",age = "+age) } defmain(args:Array[String]):Unit={ Lesson_ObjectWithParam("zhangsang") ...
object Main { val log = Logger.get(getClass.getName) def main(args: Array[String]) { val runtime = RuntimeEnvironment(this, args) val server = runtime.loadRuntimeConfig[MyServer]() log.info("Starting my server!") try { server.start() } catch { case e: Exception => e.printStack...
For instance, the most specific interface corresponding to the Scala function val rev = (s: String) => s.reverse is UnaryOperator[String], and that is what rev.asJava will produce. However, asJavaFunction(rev) will return a java.util.function.Function[String, String] instead....
点击File->Project Structure, 在src目录上,右键然后点击new fold 命名为main 再右鍵main,同样new fold,命名为scala,并设置为sources,如下图,注意,src、main均不要设置sources,否则后面编译helloworld会报错 XX is already defined as object xx 整体的工程文件已经创建好了,如下图:在scala源文件目录上,直接名鍵,...
From version 3.17.0, this plugin is published for sbt 1.0 only.Insert into project/plugins.sbt: addSbtPlugin("org.jetbrains" % "sbt-idea-plugin" % "LATEST_VERSION")Enable the plugin for your desired projects (your main plugin project and all its dependencies) Run SBT and the plugin ...
The workaround is to use custom codecs which parse those values as strings and then convert them to corresponding types, like here:implicit val customCodecOfOffsetDateTime: JsonValueCodec[OffsetDateTime] = new JsonValueCodec[OffsetDateTime] { private[this] val defaultCodec: JsonValueCodec[...