IDEA调试scala报错:WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount { 解决办法: 然后Apply后,重新运行scala文件,运行成功!
用miktex编译latex时,报了:Package ifluatex Error: Name clash, \ifluatex is already defined 经过百度+Google,终于解决了,建议以下步骤都尝试一遍。 管理员模式的控制台中执行:mpm --update-db --admin 打开tex console,切换到admin模式,check for updates然后upda... ...
在idea中的编译scala项目的时候出现了 Error:(6, 8) WordCount is already defined as object WordCount object WordCount{ 原因是这两个myproject/src和myproject/src/main/scala被标记为源。因此,myproject/src/main/scala由于上述错误,intellij无法构建。取消标记源myproject/src (在intellij,File-> Project结构中...
错误记录: 通过IDEA方式创建scala项目后,在修改项目目录结构时,将src、main、scala目录全部设置为Sources时, 运行程序时报错:Error:(1,8) helloisalreadydefinedasobjecthelloobjecthello { 解决方案: 只将程序上一层目录设置为Sources,问题解决。 idea 配置scala 和运行 HelloWorld的一些坑 ...
升级scala version 到 2.11.0后, 解决。 新版本 scala 的 lib 中多了一个 scala-reflect.jar. 具体原因不明 2、编写类 在intelliJ IDEA 中编写scala, 编译时 报错 test is already defined as object test 类如下 object test{ def main(args:Array[String]){} ...
{ # Initial contact points of the cluster. # The nodes to join automatically at startup. # Comma separated full URIs defined by a string on the form of # "akka.tcp://system@hostname:port" # Leave as empty if the node is supposed to be joined manually. seed-nodes = [] # how ...
五、踩坑填坑记录 5.1:Error:(4, 8) HelloWorld is already defined as object HelloWorld 通过IDEA安装scala插件后,想要new一个scala文件,却没有对应的文件信息。解决方案如下:一、设置Module首先,在View中,打开Module Settings设置, 也有可能是在file->project structure中,不同的IDEA设置方式不同,二...
For instance, the most specific interface corresponding to the Scala function val rev = (s: String) => s.reverse is UnaryOperator[String], and that is what rev.asJava will produce. However, asJavaFunction(rev) will return a java.util.function.Function[String, String] instead....
5.1:Error:(4, 8) HelloWorld is already defined as object HelloWorld 通过IDEA安装scala插件后,想要new一个scala文件,却没有对应的文件信息。解决方案如下: 一、设置Module 首先,在View中,打开Module Settings设置, 也有可能是在file->project structure中,不同的IDEA设置方式不同, ...
Helps to answer questions such as "Why is this jar in the artifact?" or "Which module introduced this jar?" Example:sbt:scalaUltimate> show findMapping interface [info] * (runtimeDependencies,ArrayBuffer((org.scala-sbt:compiler-interface:1.4.0-M12[],Some(lib/jps/compiler-interface.jar)), ...