This shortcut is for you if you are searching for an alternative way to quickly access methods used in your file. Instead of text search, you can open your file structure by pressing⌘F12(macOS) orCtrl+F12(Windows/Linux). Then, in the structure window that pops up, start typing the m...
14. Show intention actions CMD + ENTER or ALT + ENTER: Intention actions cover code suggestions ranging from warnings to optimization suggestions. This shortcut will reveal all intention actions. 15. Generate code CMD + N or ALT + INSERT: IntelliJ lets you generate common code constructs and r...
设置快捷键 File=> Settings=> Kaymap=> 右侧“Macros”=> 右键刚才制定的宏=> “Add Keyboard Shortcut” 文件
最后一栏是该操作在IDEA中的操作名称,可以在keymap中检索对应的action/shortcut找到。 生产力(Productivity) 模板补全(Live Template) 敲完以下模板补全的keyword之后可以直接通过tab或回车触发模板补全, 2…是需要你填充的模板变量。 后向声明(Postfix Completion) 后向声明是JetBrains系IDE的一项新功能,旨在减少光标经常...
Parameter hints show the names of parameters in methods and functions to make your code easier to read. With TypeScript version 5.2 and higher, parameter hints turn into links on hover. Clicking such link with Ctrl pressed brings you to the method definition. Configure parameter hints Ope...
Show usages Advanced Editing I ^/ Comment/uncomment current line ^⇧? Comment/uncomment block comment ⌘O Override base class methods in current class ^N Generate ... ^SPACE Basic code completion ^⌥SPACE Class name code completion
Other Methods Overrides A constructor is overridden inPopupDialogAction, but this is an artifact of reusing this class for a dynamically created menu action. Otherwise, overriding constructors forAnActionis not required. Testing the Custom Action...
You can configure Quick Evaluate Expression to work for a piece of code on just selecting it (without using the menu/shortcut). Use this option carefully, as you can accidentally call methods when it is enabled. Evaluate expressions on selecting code Go to Settings | Build, Execution, De...
Navigate to Implementationcan be used for both classes and methods and is very useful when you have multiple implementations. It answers the question ‘what do I do’?. In our CustomerRepository interface the gutter icons show us that these methods are implemented elsewhere. We can use⌥⌘...
实现接口的方法-implements methods … ctrl+i 选中的结构的大小写的切换-toggle case ctrl+shift+u 批量导包-optimize imports ctrl+alt+o 第3组:类结构、查找和查看源码 说明快捷键 如何查看源码-go to class… ctrl + 选中指定的结构 或 ctrl+n 显示当前类结构,支持搜索指定的方法、属性等-file structure ...